Kitchen List Reports

Kitchen List

The Kitchen List report reflects how many meals have been chosen for each day of the week. It can be found via Admin > Meals > Kitchen List

Select your date range etc from the filter table and then click Choose


To select more than one item in filter columns, hold down Ctrl on your keyboard then click the options you want. You can also click and drag to select multiple items.

E.g. To select specific year groups

Date Range

The first column allows you to set a date range. There are pre-set dates for Today, Last Week and This Week you can choose to autofill the start and end date.  You can also group by date, student/staff or Meal. This report defaults to group by Meal.


The second column allows you to filter the report for certain meals or you can choose All Meals


The next column allows you to filter for Students, Staff, Guests or All


This column allows you to choose whether to look at current, former, future or all students


Choose whether to view the whole school by choosing All Years or choose a specific year group


Filter for All Forms or choose specific form groups


If your school uses Houses, you can filter for certain houses here or choose All Houses


This allows you to filter your results for students eligible or not eligible for free meals and Pupil Premium.  Use this column OR the following Display column.


This allows you to change how your results are displayed, choose to whether to include certain information such as Aspects and split your results up by things such as Year or Form group.

This report defaults to include Meal Name and split by None.

Once you've made your selections click Choose to run the report.

The report will look slightly different depending on what filters you have selected.

  • Free Meals Claimed (Inc Packed Lunches) is calculated by adding together how many FSM and UFSM students have a meal provided by the school and not provided by the school on that day.

  • Free Meals Claimed (Exc Packed Lunches) is calculated by adding how many FSM and UFSM students had a meal only provided by school on that day. 

  • Packed Lunch meals should have a No assigned (provided by school) to the meal in the Setup Meal Types area.


Kitchen List by Date

There's also a Kitchen List by Date report which is the same as the Kitchen List but looks at how many meals have been chosen for each day during a specified date range instead of just the week.

This report can be filtered in the same way as the one above.


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