Meals Financial Summary

This financial report gives a detailed summary of accounts for a requested period from Admin > Meals > Reports (tab) > Financial Summary

Choose the date range that you wish to look at and then choose the 'Filter this page by dates' tab to generate the summary.  

A list of form groups and year groups will show along the left hand side of the table.

The various totals at the bottom of each column calculate as follows:

  • Amount BF - this is the balance of outstanding transactions at the start of the period you have selected.  This takes into account any added payments or credits entered via the staff or student meals control areas which have not been banked yet.  This figure can be a minus, meaning that money has been paid in advance of meals to be taken, or a positive which displays money still outstanding for meals taken already.  This figure will also take into account any guest meals.
  • Cash First Day - This figure displays any outstanding, unbanked cash held from a previous period.
  • Cash Rest of Period - This figure calculates any cash payments or credits added to the system via the staff or student meals control area, or any guest meal cash payments for the selected period.
  • Non Cash Transactions -This figure calculates any non cash payments or credits added to the system (for example credit card, debit card, bank transfer or cheque) via the staff or student meals control area, or any guest meal non cash payments for the selected period.
  • Total Meals Supplied - This shows the total amount of meals supplied by the school.  It is the total of any free meals and paid meals.
  • Value of Meals - This calculates the actual cost of meals provided by the school, both free and paid.
  • Amount CF - This figure is calculated by taking the 'Value of Paid Meals, minusing the value of 'Cash First Day + Cash Rest of Period + Non Cash Transactions' and then adding the 'Amount BF'.
  • Free Meals - This displays the total amount of free school meals provided by the school for the selected period.
  • Value of Free Meals - This shows the actual cost of the free school meals provided during the selected period.
  • Paid Meals -This displays the total amount of paid meals provided by the school for the selected period.
  • Value of Paid Meals - This shows the total cost of the paid meals provided during the selected period.

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The right hand side of the report shows 3 further tables if data has been entered elsewhere.  The first relates to money banked. Money is registered as banked via Admin > Meals > Banking.

The banking table on the financial summary report shows the dates, references and amounts of money banked for the selected period.

banking dates.jpeg

The Cash in Hand table will show under the 'Monies In' section the amount of any unbanked cash brought forward from a previous period, the actual cash amount taken during the given period and a subtotal of the two.  

In the 'Monies Out' section it will show the amount of money registered in the system as having been banked and the 'Computed Cash in Hand' total is the difference between the two.

The 'Financial Summary' table underneath will display the following:

cash in hand.jpeg

  • Total BF - this is the total figure owing or in credit previous to the date set for the report.
  • Total Cash First Day - This shows how much cash is still to be banked from a previous period before the date set for the report.
  • Total Cash Rest of Week - is the total of all cash payments taken within the given date range.
  • Non Cash Total - calculates any payments not of a cash origin, e.g. card payments, online payments or cheques.
  • Sub Total - this is 'Total BF + Total Cash First Day + Total Cash Rest of Week + Non Cash Total'. 
  • Amount CF is the total pulled from the carry forward summary table.
  • Total Due for Meals is the total amount of the 'Value of Paid Meals' column.
  • Total Number of Meals is the total amount of free meals and paid meals supplied. 

The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF using the icons on the top right hand side of the screen.

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