You will find a number of Statutory Assessment reports in ScholarPack via Reporting > Assessment > Statutory Assessment (tab).
You can narrow the reports down to show only the KS1 assessment reports by entering 'KS1' in the search box in the top right. There are three KS1 reports to choose from.
1. KS1 Official Results
The KS1 Official Results report displays all teacher assessments and teacher test results.
There is also a cohorts table displaying percentages of students in each category who have teacher assessment data and recorded outcomes.
At the base of the page is a key to the subject codes.
Above the header for each column is a dustbin icon which allows you to remove the column from the report temporarily prior to download. The column will reappear the next time the report is run.
The report can be exported into Word, Excel or PDF by clicking onto the icon on the top right hand side.
There is a blank white cell at the top of each column which can be used to filter the display by typing key words.
Click on the student's surname to view the assessment area in their student profile.
- Within this area you can click onto the Statutory Assessments tab which will take you to the student's full set of results.
- You may find additional assessment data on the student profile, Simple Assessment tab (if using that module for summative assessments).
2. KS1 Reports To Parents
The KS1 Reports to Parents produces a report per child with results for each of the KS1 statutory assessment areas.
Reports can be generated by Year Group or Class. There will be one student's results per page to enable them to be sent to individual parents.
If you have not entered Teacher Test results, you have the option to exclude them from the report, so only Teacher Assessments are viewed.
- The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF by clicking the icon on the top right hand side.
Click on the student's surname to view the assessment area in their student profile. Within this area you can click onto the Statutory Assessments tab which will take you to the student's full set of results.
- You may find additional assessment data on the student profile, Simple Assessment tab (if using that module for summative assessments).
Previous Years
This report will also show results from previous years as long as you filter for the correct combination of the students current year group + the year of their KS1 results.
For example: for current Y4, you would need to choose academic year 4 and Year 2021 as this cohort of students completed their KS2 SATS in May 2021.
3. KS1 School Overview
The KS1 School Overview report displays the overall school percentage of each level attained per academic year for each statutory assessment area.
You can filter the school results by cohort if you require.
There is a key to explain the results recorded.