You will find a number of Statutory Assessment reports in ScholarPack via Reporting > Assessment > Statutory Assessment (tab).
You can narrow the reports down to show only the KS2 assessment reports by entering 'KS2' in the search box in the top right.
Result Codes
- A - Absent
- B - Working below the standard of the test
- L - Left
- M - Missing
- T - Unable to access the test
- F - Pupil will take the test in the future
- P - Pupil has taken the test in the past
- H - Pupil cheating
- Q - Maladministration
- AS - Achieved standard
- NS - Not achieved standard
- CA - Ability to represent their actual ability in the test affected
- CN - Ability to represent their actual ability in the test not affected
- D - Disapplied
- BLW - Below the standard of the pre-key stage (Not science)
- WTS - Working towards the expected standard (Not science)
- EXS - Working at the expected standard
- GDS - Working at a greater depth at the expected standard
- EM - Assessed against the Engagement Model
- HNM - Has not met the standard (Science only)
- PK1 - Pre Key Stage Standard 1
- PK2 - Pre Key Stage Standard 2
- PK3 - Pre Key Stage Standard 3
- PK4 - Pre Key Stage Standard 4
- PSCALES - Assessed on the P Scale Framework (Pre-2022)
1. KS2 Official Results
The KS2 Official Results report produces a table which displays KS2 results for reading, writing, maths and science, both teacher tests and teacher assessments.
Student's basic details including any special indicators such as FSM and SEN status are tagged. Top Tip: The report looks at FSM status based on the date of the KS2 SATS results, not the date the report is run.
Please Note
As per DfE requirements, teacher assessment results are not recorded for pupils working at the expected standard in reading and maths.
2. KS2 Reports to Parents
The KS2 Reports to Parents produces a report per child with results for each of the KS2 statutory assessment test and teacher assessment areas. You may opt to remove the test results prior to running the report if you only wish to display the Teacher Assessments. Reports can be generated by year group, set or class. The report will print one set of results per page.
3. KS2 School Overview
The KS2 School Overview report displays the overall school percentage of each level attained per academic year for each statutory assessment area. You can filter the school results by cohort if you require. Reading and Mathematics results are taken from the SATS test results and Writing is taken from teacher assessment results.
The top table will display Teacher Tests results and the table beneath will show teacher assessments. A Key to the results is also within this report.
Note: Please note as per DfE requirements teacher assessment results for children working at the expected standard in reading and maths are no longer required.
4. KS2 Predictions
This is for historic reporting purposed only. The predictions report will take KS1 results from pre 2016 statutory assessments and convert them using the DfE guidance to show the result you would expect under the new system for each student in reading, writing and maths at KS2. It uses the same conversion guide as the KS1 to KS2 progress measure.