Year End Step 2 - Archive Attendance

IMPORTANT - Only proceed with your Year End after the last register has been taken.

This next step will take you through and archive this academic year's attendance data. Before you archive the data you should be happy that all registers are complete, with no attendance codes in holidays and no gaps in the register. You can also correct any no code (N) entries if needed.

step 2.png


This section is split into Mandatory steps on the left and Recommended steps on the right.


The mandatory area must be completed in order for you to proceed to the next area and looks at things like codes in holidays, gaps in the register and allows you to print off your attendance reports for the year.  Further information on each mandatory item is detailed in the guidance below.

We strongly advise exporting your attendance reports as this will not be as easy once Year End has been completed.

(Please note: the below image is an example of what you could see, your view will differ)

step 2 mandatory.png


The items on the right are things we recommend you do, but are not going to stop you going forward if not completed. Further information on each recommended item is detailed in the guidance below.

(Please note: the below image is an example of what you could see, your view will differ)

step 2 recommended.gif

Mandatory Steps

1. Attendance Codes in Holiday dates

If you enter an attendance code against a student before adding a school holiday date or bank holiday, the attendance code gets hidden by the holiday code (#).

If you have any students with hidden codes during holiday dates they will show here and you can select "Click Here" to see the holiday that contains the codes.

You will be presented with the below table which identifies any codes in school holidays you may have.    

attendance in holidays.png


Click on 'Manage Codes' and you will be taken to the Manage Register area (also found via Register > Manage Register) for the holiday dates in question.

Ensure the 'Only show holidays' box is ticked, as well as 'Show Former Students'.

manage register to fill in holiday codes.png


Select View Register and all students on roll (plus former students who were on roll during those dates) will appear in a table for that holiday period.

Scroll down and across to view any students with attendance codes in the holiday period.

If you can confirm that date is a valid holiday period, at the base of the page you can do the sum and then select 'Remove displayed codes'.

remove codes.png


If the holiday date was entered in error, you can adjust the date via Admin > Config > Core Setup > Holidays (delete the old holiday then enter a new one with correct dates if required).

Repeat this process until all codes in holiday dates have been removed.

Once you have finished refresh your Scholarpack or click back on to Admin > Year End.


2. See any register gaps (Excluding Nursery)

If you have any students with gaps in your register they show here and you will need to click on the 'Click here' link.

This will take you to the Gaps in Register by Date report (also found via Reporting > Reports > Attendance tab).

Dates where there are students with no attendance code will be highlighted in red.

see register gaps.png


Click on the date so see in which year group the students can be found.

fix gaps in register.png


By selecting Fix Gaps, you will be taken to the Manage Register area for the date specified.

From here you can add the appropriate attendance code.

Can't see the gap?

Tick 'Show Former Students' and then click View Register again, as the gap may belong to a student who has left during the school year.

show former students for gaps.png


3. Print Attendance by Year/Form report


We strongly advise exporting your attendance reports and saving them, as this will not be as easy once Year End has been completed. 

ScholarPack does not store historic form group data, therefore it is not possible to report on historic forms once Year End has been completed.

Select 'Click here' which will take you to the Attendance by Year/Form report (also found via Reporting > Reports > Attendance > Attendance by Year/Form).


4. Print Custom Attendance report


We strongly advise exporting your attendance reports and saving them, as this will not be as easy once Year End has been completed. 

ScholarPack does not store historic form group data, therefore it is not possible to report on historic forms once Year End has been completed.

Clicking this link will take you to the Custom Attendance report (also found at Reporting > Reports > Attendance > Custom Attendance Report) which will allow you to print a report showing attendance for the academic year using a selection of filters and groupings.  


Recommended Steps -->


1. See any register gaps (Nursery only)

If you archive your attendance data with registration codes missing for your nursery students, then as part of the archiving process ScholarPack will insert the X code. This means you do not have to do anything about missing nursery data unless you wish to record attendance codes other than the X code.

You will be informed as to how many students of Nursery age have attendance gaps however we have set up the year end process to allow you to archive your attendance data with register gaps for students who are not of statutory school age (Nursery).  

Clicking this link will take you to the Gaps in Register by Date report (also found via Reporting > Reports > Attendance).

This functions in the same way as the process for removing gaps for statutory aged children described above. 


2. See any N Codes

This will take you to the Gaps in Register by Date report (also found via Reporting > Reports > Attendance). 

This time the report will be configured to show you where there are N Codes recorded. 

The dates where there are N Codes will be highlighted in blue and as with gaps in register you can click on the date to see in which year group you have N Codes recorded and if required change the attendance code.

For the Department for Education guidance on Attendance Codes see: DfE School Attendance


What's next?

Once all mandatory items have been completed and you are happy with your data you can click on the 'Archive Attendance' button.

See: Year End Step 3 - Produce CTFs

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