Year End Step 7 - Complete Year End

This is the final page of the year end process and is split into Mandatory, Recommended and Optional sections. By now, your ScholarPack has been rolled into the new academic year.

Check the Recommended steps

There are a number of recommended steps to take depending upon whether or not you are using the Assessment, Meals or Clubs modules within ScholarPack.

step 7.png


Recommended Steps

Manage Staff Attendance Patterns

First you are advised to set your Staff Attendance Patterns for the new academic year (e.g. P codes for part time staff).  This will take you to the Manage Staff Attendance Patterns area of Scholarpack (also found via Admin > Personnel) and allows you to input any staff attendance patterns for the year ahead.  Staff Attendance Patterns do not automatically transfer over each year.

Please refer to:

Staff Attendance Patterns



Assessment classes

For Formative and STEPS assessments, you will need to ensure the assessment Classes are set up with the correct students for the new academic year (as they will not automatically be promoted in the Admin > Classes area of ScholarPack).

You will need to have removed last year's students from each class:

  • This will remove all students from their current academic classes.  
  • It will tell you how many students are currently in the classes.
  • The process will only remove the students from the class and not the teacher and it will not delete the class.

You then need to add the new students (and staff) to each formative assessment class. Guidance on this can be found here: Create Classes for Teacher Assessments

If any teachers have changed classes you may also wish to check they are assigned to the correct assessment classes via Admin > Class > Add Teachers to class. Guidance on this can be found here: Add Teachers to a Class for Assessments


STEPS Assessment (if used)

Copy final CP6 assessment data to baseline

This will copy student's CP6 (Checkpoint 6/Summer 2) assessment Step from last academic year to this new academic year.  Select the subject and year group you wish to copy CP6 to Baseline.  

Alternatively teachers can add the baselines manually in each markbook, once Year End is complete and classes set up, via My Subjects if you would prefer. 

copy steps.png


Add student assessment targets

This will allow you to set assessment targets ready for the new academic year. If the student is in the same key stage as last year and you used targets last year the students End of Key Stage Targets will still be present, however the End of Year Targets will need to be added.

The link will take you to the Admin > Students > Student Targets. Further guidance on this can be found here: Inputting Student Targets using STEPS


Simple Assessments (if used) 

Copy final CP6 assessment data to baseline

There will be a link to the Simple Assessment markbook (My Subjects > Simple Assessment Markbook once the new academic year has begun) to enable you to copy the last checkpoint data entered into Baseline for the next academic year. 

Top Tip: This can be done at any point after completing Year End, but needs to be done before you can use the baselines for next year's assessments.

Please Note

It is only possible to set a baseline where a scheme has been configured to include a baseline checkpoint.

Data cannot be copied between different schemes e.g. EYFS data cannot be used as a baseline for KS1 English.

Students will already be displaying in their new form and year group for September in the markbook, as you have promoted them during Year End.

  1. Click on the link to copy the final assessment data to Baseline and add student assessment targets. 
  2. Select the assessment scheme, the subject(s) and year group(s) from the markbook filters.
  3. Ensure the new academic year is selected, and the checkpoint is baseline.

To bulk fill data for all students using the last checkpoint, click Fill gaps and choose Copy from previous checkpoint.

Where a mark has been entered for that student previously, the mark will be used for the baseline. In the example below, the students were in nursery previously, and will have baseline marks filled as they start Reception in September.

copy simple assessment.png


Add student assessment targets

From the same page as above, you will find Targets in the Checkpoints dropdown. You will be able to set End of Year and End of Key Stage Targets for your assessment classes for the new academic year. 

add targets.png



There are a few reports we recommend you run before and after completing your Year End process. 

Meal Reports - Before Year End

Student & Staff Meal Payments Reports

Ensure that all payments are entered for students and staff via Admin > Meals > Student/Staff Meal Payments. 

Once Year End is complete the payments will need to be added to the next academic year. 


If you use the banking area (Admin > Meals > Banking) please ensure that this is up to date before year end is completed. 

Creditors & Debtors Reports

We would also suggest once all payments are entered running the meal creditors and meal debtors report for your records (Found via Admin > Meals > Meal Creditors/Meal Debtors). 

Individual student statements will still be available once year end is complete but reports will work in the current academic year only. 

Meal Reports - After Year End

Carry Balance Forward Report

If you do have students ending the year on a debt you may wish to carry this forward.  To do this please go to Admin > Meals > Carry Balance Forward.

Once in this area to transfer all meal balances from last year click choose.

carry balance forward settings.png


You will then see a list of all students, here click Check All and update at the bottom to save.

students to carry over balances for.png


This will copy the balance over to the Starting Balance column for the new school year.

Once you've run all the reports you need, there are a few tasks to complete which will help setup your meals ready for the new academic year

Set Meal Availability

Clicking this link allows you to set up the meals and their availability for the new academic year.  

See: Meals Guide

The meals availability start date will default to the start of the new academic year.  You may also need to modify the Meal Types including changing the meals and any costs.

Transfer Meal Patterns

Clicking this link will take you to the Bulk Student Lunches option (also found via Admin > Meals).

The key part is that if you wish to transfer the student meals patterns from last year to this, then select the 'Copy Last Year's Meals' button. 

Ensure all holidays are entered in Admin > Config > Core Setup > Holidays prior to setting up the meal patterns.

copy meal patterns.png


Remove Meals entered on days the school was closed

Clicking this link will take you an area where you can remove any meals assigned during school holidays in the previous academic year. This may have arisen due to a meal pattern being set prior to a holiday period being entered into ScholarPack.



There are a number of clubs reports we would recommend running before and after completing the Year End process -

Club Reports - Before Year End

We would suggest printing off the Creditors & Debtors report.  To do this please go to Admin > Config > Clubs (or Workspace > Clubs) > Reports > Creditors & Debtors.

In the filters you can select to show creditors, debtors or both and then choose.  This will then list the students with their total credit/ debt.  You may wish to run this report a club at a time to view the club that is causing the credit/debt of the student.

show club debtors.png


Please be advised that clubs credits/debts cannot be carried over into next years clubs so we would suggest keeping records of the students in debt.  You could also print off the single student club activity report found in this area for those students for further information on clubs attended and payments made. 

Club Reports - After Year End

After Year End is complete we would suggest placing an end date for all clubs and creating new clubs for September.  You can do this in one of two ways -

1. To create a new club please go to Admin > Config > Clubs (Workspace > Clubs) > Add a Club.

Refer to: Clubs Guide

new club.png


2. Alternatively if you wish to clone a club you are running currently please click onto Manage Clubs in this area and select copy existing club at the top.

clone club.png


Once you select the club you wish to copy and click onto Copy Club, you will then have the option to select the data you wish to copy across.

copy club.png


Please ensure to amend the start date of the club.  

When ready click onto Copy Club and you can then amend any information as required and save at the bottom to save the club.

Once you've run all the reports needed, there are a few admin tasks you can do to ensure Clubs are finalised and ready for the new academic year.

Add or Edit Payments for Clubs

This will take you to the Manage Payments tab in the Clubs area of Scholarpack (found via Workspace > Clubs).  Here you will be able to check payments and add or edit payments where needed.

Refer to: Clubs Guide (Manage Payments section)

Student Club Leaving Dates

This will take you to the Edit Club Membership area within the clubs module (found via the Manage Students tab). 

It is advised to enter an End Date for all students in a club prior to setting up new clubs for the academic year.

Refer to: Clubs Guide

Create New Clubs for the Coming Year
Click this link to set up the new clubs for the Academic Year.
Please refer to: Clubs Guide


Optional Steps

Off Roll Students

At Step 4 you ought to have off rolled your leavers, and students were promoted to their new Year Groups. 


Do not off roll students again.  The Year 6 students on your system now, will be last year's Year 5 students. Your last year's Year 6 will now be in Year 7.

If for any reason you did not off roll them at Step 4, please do it now but ensure you select their new Year Group (e.g. The Year 6 are now Year 7) to off roll them now.

Please refer back to:

Year End Step 4 - Off Roll Leavers


Produce CTFs for this year's leavers 

If you did not generate files for your leavers at Step 4, you can still do this here.

Remember that students have already been promoted to their new Year Groups so you will need to select their new Year Group.




View Current Form Groups

This will allow you to view the forms and check they are set up correctly for the new academic year.  The link will take you to Forms groups report in Reporting > Reports > Students > Current form Groups.


The final step

Once you are happy that you have completed the Year End process, select the "I have completed year end" button.  

  Well done you have now completed your year end process!

The screen will still display the recommended steps for staff attendance, assessment, meals and clubs, in case another staff member needs to access this to configure your student and staff data. 

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