If you make a mistake when manually entering statutory assessment marks, don't panic, these can be easily removed or edited. To edit a mark, follow the below advice, and instead of clicking 'remove' from the mark dropdown, select the correct mark instead.
Deleting Phonics Marks
You may need to remove phonics marks or outcomes that have been added in correctly, for example if they have been added as a retake to a year 2 student who did not actually retake.
These can be removed via Admin > Students > Statutory Assessments.
Select End of Key Stage 1 from the dropdown.
Select the two green phonics components, enter the Year of result and Curriculum Year (this is the academic year group the students are currently in). Press Choose.
You can then navigate to the relevant mark and select 'Remove' from the dropdown.
After making all necessary changes, make sure to press Save at the bottom.
For more details on adding, editing and deleting phonics data, please see this article.
Deleting KS1 and KS2 Teacher Assessments
These marks can be removed the same way marks are manually added, via Admin > Students > Statutory Assessments.
- Select End of Key Stage 1 or end of Key Stage 2 from the dropdown.
- Select the orange components, enter the Year of result and Curriculum Year (this is the academic year group the students are currently in). Press Choose.
- You can then navigate to the relevant mark and select 'Remove' from the dropdown.
- After making all necessary changes, make sure to press Save at the bottom.
For more details on adding, editing and deleting Key Stage data, please see: KS1 and KS2.
Deleting EYFS Statutory Data
These marks can be removed the same way marks are manually added, via Admin > Students > Statutory Assessments.
- Select Early Years Foundation Stage from the dropdown.
- Select the orange components, enter the Year of result and Curriculum Year (this is the academic year group the students are currently in). Press Choose.
- You can then navigate to the relevant mark and select 'Remove' from the dropdown.
- After making all necessary changes, make sure to press Save at the bottom.
For more details on adding, editing and deleting EYFS data, please see this article.
Deleting imported results
The above methods should also work for results that have been imported via CTF. If the result is from a previous year, make sure to choose the correct calendar year for the Year of Result field for the data to show. You will also need to choose the student's current academic year in the Curriculum Year field, not the year they were when the result was entered.
Deleting duplicated results
If the results in the Assessment tab of the Student Profile are duplicated, the most likely cause of this is because results were entered twice - either manually and via CTF, or via multiple imports.
Check to see which set of results is correct and navigate to the Admin > Students > Statutory Assessments area and choose the relevant assessment from the dropdown. Fill out the fields to bring up the results entry table.
Check the results for this student. If they are the incorrect set of results, you can remove them here.
If nothing populates for them in this table, or you are unable to remove the incorrect duplicates, please contact ScholarPack support, or your Partner if you're partner supported.