If your school has a lot of meal choices made available to students in Set meal Availability, it can cause the columns to become misaligned with the headers in Manage Student Lunches, making students look like they have the wrong meal assigned.
There are two options for resolving this - reducing the amount of meals available, or changing your screen zoom settings.
Reducing Meal Availability
If you have more meal options available than you are using, head to Admin > Meals > Set Meal Availability.
- Click the green ticks to turn them into red crosses, which will remove the meal as available for that day.
- Alternatively, you can click Remove all Year to remove it for the full academic year.
Click here for more information on removing meal choices no longer used.
Changing your screen settings
If your school needs all the meals currently available to stay available, zooming out in your screen should fix the layout issue.
How this is done depends on the browser you're using.
- If you're using Chrome, click the three vertical dots icon in the top right of your browser window, and click the minus icon next to zoom in the menu that appears. Zoom out until the columns are aligned.
- If you're using a browser other than Chrome, you'll need to check how to do this via your browser settings across the top.
Please note
As this is a layout issue related to individual screen size and resolution settings of your device rather than it being an error in the MIS, ScholarPack support will not be able to support further. If the above methods don't work for you, we would recommend speaking with your school's IT support to help find a solution.