When new students join your school but are missing from various places on your MIS, then most likely their Admission Status was not correctly updated.
They need an Admission Status of Enrolled adding to them before their Entry Date. If a student's entry date passes and this status was not applied to them, they can become stuck in the admissions area and won't display correctly in all areas of ScholarPack.
The three most common areas where you'll notice they are missing:
- The majority of the reports via Reporting > Reports.
- Parts of the Meals module when assigning meals to students.
- The Manage Permissions area when bulk updating permissions.
Because the student was not designated as Enrolled before their start date, they were never correctly identified as a future student, so even though they appear on registers and are on-roll, they are not fully reportable, and won't show in certain areas.
Resolving the issue
Go to Admin > Students > Admissions and check that they're showing there.
They will show as a Current Student if attendance data has already been added to them.
Click the Bulk Update Admissions button.
Select Admissions - Status from the 'Student Attribute' dropdown and click choose.
You'll see the student either has no value, or is down as something other than enrolled. In the example, the student has a value of 10, which means they are still down as an Admission student.
Click the blank dropdown just above the table of names, and select the Enrolled option.
Tick the boxes next to each students name you want to update (or click 'check all' if you want to update all of them) and click Update at the bottom of the screen.
This will update the students and remove them from the admissions area. Check the area of ScholarPack where the student was missing and they should now show as expected.
Please note
The numbers attached to your values may be slightly different to this guidance, depending on your schools Admission Config setup (Admin > Config > Admissions Config). Even if the numbers are different, the 'Enrolled' status option is a default status so will always be available. Set the students to whatever number corresponds to Enrolled in the dropdown.
How to prevent this problem in future
Once you know a student is confirmed as coming to your school, we would recommend changing their admission status to Enrolled before their start date. This way, they'll be reportable on as future students, and will correctly enrol on their start date.
Changing this status won't affect your ability to delay the start date of the student if necessary, or deleting them if they change their mind and don't take up a place at your school.
My missing students aren't showing in the Admissions area
If the missing students aren't showing in admissions, check the Admission Status field under Core Information on the extended tab on their profile. This article will take you through how to adjust it there: New Admissions Students Missing in Reports
If they don't show in admissions and their extended tab shows correctly, it is likely down to a criteria other than their admission status. Check in the group updater for hidden or guest status.