Errors 7100, 7110, 7111 and 7112

These errors occur if you've not input your Occasional Teachers, or added the information incorretly.

  • Error 7100 - This error will be resolved once you’ve resolved the three subsequent errors.
  • Error 7110 - Number of qualified occasional teachers present on census reference date: value must be a non-negative whole number
  • Error 7111 - Number of unqualified occasional teachers present on census reference date: value must be a non-negative whole number
  • Error 7112 - Number of Occasional Teachers not known if qualified or not, and who are present on census day, must be a non-negative whole number

Please note: Qualified Teacher means a teacher with QTS or QTLS or EYTS.

Go to Admin > Census > Workforce Census. Click on Occasional Teachers.

occational teachers in census.png


Here you can edit the amount and update at the bottom.

update occasional teacher numbers.png

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