Changes to the User Management process from 17th June 2024 - new look password and user role page

We've updated our user management page - this is the area you'll use to add or edit user roles, accounts and passwords for other members of staff. We've updated the interface to more closely match the page where staff can change their own password, and added some new features to help you track and audit previous account changes.



  • Minimum password length is 10 characters.
  • The password score has been removed, you can now find updated password guidance and recommendations on the right-hand side.
  • You'll be able to see the date of the most recent password change.
  • Please see this article for further guidance on changing a password for another staff member.


Account Status

  • This field will display whether a user is Active or Inactive - if they are active they are able to log in to ScholarPack, if they are inactive, they will not be able to log in. Please see this article if you need to change their status.


Login History

  • You can now view the most recent login with an exact date and time stamp. If you need to view this in bulk, you can use the ScholarPack Users report.


User Role History

  • We have a new View Role History area that displays a list of user role changes made to an account, for improved reporting purposes when looking at which areas users can / could access. You can see a list of the changed roles, when they were changed and by which user.


User Role Guidance

  • If you're unsure which roles a staff member needs, there's a link to our Help Centre Guidance underneath the checkboxes. Please see this article for further guidance on changing user roles for another staff member.
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