Confidential Support Log

The Confidential Support Log is found on the student profile's Confidential Tab. This area is ideal for entering confidential notes that need to be recorded for the student.
Data entered in this area can be reported on at Reporting > Reports > Support (tab) > Confidential Support Log.


You will need to have the Child Protection Officer (CPO) user role in order to use and view the student's confidential tab, or view the report in Reporting > Reports > Support > Confidential Support Log.

support log.png


From the front screen you can edit a note by clicking the Edit button. Here you can edit existing information or alter review dates.  To print a copy of the support log, click on the PDF icon.

Alternatively you can create a new note by clicking on the cog button, adding the information and Review Date and clicking the 'Add New' button.

edit support log.png

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