This article will show you how to end a staff member at your school. Top Tip: If they were added incorrectly, you can remove them completely: How do I delete a member of staff?
- To be able to get to this menu item, you’ll need to have the Senior Management Team, Human Resources, or Admin role.
- To make changes to a user's profile, you'll also need the System Admin role.
If you don’t have this, you’ll need to ask your team to give you access by following these instructions: How do I add a user role to a staff member?
Go to Admin > Personnel > Staff, and select the member of staff in the dropdown to access their profile
1. End their Contract
The first thing you may wish to do is to end the staff member's contract; adding a leaving date, leaving reason and leaving destination.
To do this click onto the black cog next to the current contract, edit the data and click Update at the bottom
2. Make their profile inactive
Follow these instructions to make them inactive: Mark a staff member as Inactive
They will then no longer be able to log into ScholarPack, nor will their name show in the far-right search box. You can access their profile again by heading to Admin > Personnel > Staff.
Their username details will still be displayed for reporting and audit purposes.