Adding Student Custom Fields


You are able to create customisable fields to be viewed at the base of the student profile's extended tab via Admin > Config > Custom Student Fields


They can be used as a means of recording additional information about a student and can be attributed to any descriptor.

It is advised to create a custom field if there is no section in ScholarPack to record student information you wish to report on.

To create a new field click the Add New Button.
The field type allows you to add either a simple text box by pressing Text or a date by selecting Date.
You then enter a Field Name and click Insert to save.


You are then able to select the Edit button to edit or update the naming of an existing field, or Delete to remove it entirely (this will incur losing all data that has been historically entered into that field). 
The custom fields can be found at the base of the extended tab in the student profile. Here you may enter the required information.

Custom Fields for Comms Parents Salutation

An additional use for the Custom Student Field is to create a Parents Salutation for the Comms module, or Attendance Letters.
Label the custom field as 'Salutation' and if you go to Admin > Students > Group Updater you will be able to apply the salutation to the students in bulk. 
This wording will be available to enter into letters or emails generated through ScholarPack, if the Custom Salutation dynamic field is selected. 
You may also select it as a field in Admin >Students >Attendance Letters





What's next?

Find out how to report on this here: Student Custom Fields Report

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