A useful report to run after the registers have been taken is the Daily Check, found in Register > Daily Check.
Once you click the Daily Check button, the screen below will be presented.
- The information in the Daily Check is taken from the classroom registers. It will produce a report showing any students who have either been marked as absent by the teacher (authorised/unauthorised and unknown absences) or any pupils with a U code that are late after the register has closed.
- Register notes are also displayed on the report.
- None counted codes like Y or # do not show in the daily check area normally, but you can add an attendance note to them and they will pull through to the Unknown absences and notes today section.
The date and time the register was taken will only appear under Register Taken if the register was taken via Home > Register.
The teacher name will only appear if the teacher has been assigned to that form in Admin > Config > Tutors.
Registers taken via Manage Register will not show with a date and time in this area.
- Administrators can use this area to follow up pupil absences from here.
- The 'Independent Traveller' walking man icon will appear next to pupils that make their own way to school.
Link to student contacts
You can click onto a student's name to go straight into their contact details. The pop up also gives a summary of recent attendance history.
Another table is produced, showing all of the students who have been recorded as Late before Registers Close.
You can update the number of minutes late by typing in a value and saving.