The Ancillary Tab of a student profile contains additional information on students
Student Profile > Ancillary (Tab)
1. Accidents and First Aid
2. Student Documents
If you have documents relevant to a particular student stored on your computer, you can upload them in this section by clicking on "upload".
Once uploaded, the documents will be stored securely on Scholarpack so that you can access them from any computer. The red cross allows you to delete the document.
3. International
The 'International' section is useful for recording international student's VISA and passport details. Click onto the white cog to add information.
4. School History
The 'School History' section contains details of current and previous schools, with dates for entry and leaving, school name and LEA and Establishment number if recorded.
School History is included in most CTF's, which when imported into Scholarpack will populate in this area.
5. Clubs
The clubs area allows you to see any clubs attended by the student.
6. Dietary Requirements
This area allows you to record any dietary requirements a student may have.
The main page will show a grid where you can amend any dietary selections made and change the cross to a tick as required.