You can add student detentions two ways depending on how your school uses Scholarpack.
1. Via the Student Profile
Search for the student using the top right search box in Scholarpack and open their profile.
Click on the Conduct tab then select Detentions
Enter the reason for the detention by selecting from the drop down, the date and details in the table provided then click 'Add'.
Also see - Edit or Add Detention Reasons
2. Via Classes
If you use the Classes module for teacher assessments you can go via My Subjects > Select the Class > Scroll down to the bottom and select Detentions
Click 'Add New' to record a Detention against a student, adding a reason and any work set -
Once added to the system, a different area in ScholarPack (Workspace > Detentions) will then collate all the students that have detentions and create a sign off sheet.
The module will also display all outstanding detentions you have assigned to students.
What's next?
You can find guidance on how to report on detentions here: Detentions by Student OR Detentions by Teacher