This area of the student profile shows all the attendance data for that student, as well as some additional reports and graphs.
Student Profile > Attendance (Tab)
1. Overall Statistics
This summarises key absence codes from the start of the academic year and warns of any gaps in the register which need to be updated.
This area displays the data in the form of a table and a Pie Chart.
In the coloured key underneath the pie chart, you can click on the text to disable or enable any of the displayed codes so that the pie chart reflects only the codes you select.
It will also show the total number of Minutes Late for the year to date.
2. Daily Attendance
The Daily Attendance table shows present, absent and late marks for the week in hand.
At the bottom of the table is this week's data.
Full circle - each full circle represents one day of the week with Monday on the left.
Half circles - are sessions, with the left half showing the morning's attendance and the right half showing the afternoon's attendance.
You can see that child's percentage attendance for each day of the week. This will indicate whether there is any concerning pattern of attendance, such as being absent every Friday.
You also have the attendance percentage data displayed in the form of a Bar Chart which is colour coded to flag up these concerns.
3. Cumulative Attendance
This graph shows attendance percentage recorded this year. Click the red dots to view the percentage.
4. Weekly Breakdown
This shows a weekly breakdown of the student's attendance.
Grey Boxes - Signify that these dates were before the students entry date at the school and therefore do not need to be populated with an attendance code.
Red Boxes - Are periods where the student should have been at school however an attendance code has not yet been supplied.
5. Attendance Reports
There are 4 Attendance Reports available from within individual student profiles.
Attendance Overview:
This report is an individual report for a student summarising their attendance to date.
This shows exactly what's on the attendance page and automatically exports to PDF as well as displays onscreen to create an informative, graphical report for the individual child. This is an excellent resource to show parents as it includes all codes and statistics.
Attendance Date Range:
This report is filtered between selected date ranges and allows you to include any notes recorded in the register, holidays and if required, a list of register codes.
Attendance History:
This report will display the historical academic years attendance for the student, broken down by sessions possible, sessions attended, authorised absences, unauthorised absences and percentage.
Attendance Codes:
This will give you a list all the DfE attendance codes for reference.
6. Attendance Notes
This table displays any notes that have been recorded as part of the registration process. It will also show the minutes late recorded each day.
To report on this see:
Attendance Letters
This will list any attendance letters that have made and attached to the student profile.
You can read the content of the letter by clicking the document name.
You can delete letters by clicking the red X