Change the colour coding or percentage bands for graphs in Attendance reports

You can configure the attendance bar graphs produced as part of the Reporting > Attendance application by colour or attendance percentage figures. You can do this at Admin > Config > Attendance Graphs.

Here you can see the Bands and Colours as they currently stand.

bands and colours.png


To change the Band percentages, click on Edit then enter your preferred figures. Click on Update to save.

edit band colours.png


To amend a colour, click on the colour block you wish to change and a pop up window appears enabling you to select your colour of choice. Press Ok, then Update to save. 

You can revert back to the default colours on ScholarPack, at any time, in this area. 

Once changes have been made, your choices will be reflected within any bar chart attendance reports produced (e.g. Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > Attendance Charts).

example colours applied.jpeg

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