In recognition that young carers carry immense responsibility in providing care and support at home, which may impact on their education, the Department for Education collects this data item in the census.
On the student profile's extended tab, in the Support information section, there is an area you can mark a student as being a Young Carer. By default all students are set as Not Declared, unless a start date is provided.
Click on Manage and Add New, in order to record the source of the information (whether identified as a young carer by the school or the parent/guardian) and the Start Date for becoming a Young Carer. There is also an option to add an end date and any notes.
Once this data is entered, on the extended tab it will display as Yes, that the student is a Young Carer. This information can be edited or deleted by clicking on the Manage button.
If an end date is provided, then the student will display as Not Declared.
What's next?
Find out how to on this here: Report on Young Carers