This error indicates that the agency/support staff with teaching roles have been included. The following teaching roles must not be included as per the DfE requirements:
ASHT - Assistant Head
DPHT - Deputy Head
EXHT - Executive Head Teacher
HDTR - Head Teacher
MISC - Miscellaneous Teaching Service for the LA
MUSC - Music Tuition (include peripatetic)
PERI - Peripatetic teacher (unattached)
SENC - SEN Co-ordinator
SPLY - LA Supply Pool
TCHR - Classroom Teacher
TMIS - Teacher: engaged to teach in miscellaneous establishments
TNON - Teacher: engaged for non-school education
TPRU - Teacher: engaged to teach in a pupil referral unit
To clear this error, please go into Admin > Census > Workforce Census. In this area, please select the 'Other Staff' button and click the 'edit' button next to the teaching role(s) relevant to the error and click the 'Delete' button to remove the teaching role(s) from this area.
When you calculate the full census return, you will find that the error is cleared from the School Workforce Census Validation Report.