Clubs Guide

The Clubs module enables you to add and monitor clubs. 


Staff need the Admin user role to configure Clubs via Admin > Config > Clubs

Teachers are able to access the module via Workspace > Clubs


Setting up a Club

Create the club via Admin > Config > Clubs > Manage Clubs > Add New Club .

This will take you through the setting up process. You also have the option of using the green Add a Club tab, as well as copying an existing club and all its current details.

add new club.png


Step 1 - Set up club

  1. Add a club name and choose a start date for your club.
  2. Choose which year group(s) you wish to make the club available for - you can choose all or individual year groups and can multi select year groups by holding down your shift key and left clicking the mouse on the required groups. You should also write any necessary club notes.  
  3. Choose a colour for your club by clicking on the colour box next to the 'Club Colour' heading.  This will allow your club to be instantly recognisable to you on the 'This Week's Clubs' calendar.
  4. Click on 'Next: Timetable. The next page displayed requires you to set the days and times that the club will be running.  Click next to the day you wish to assign the club to under the start time to bring up the time boxes. Enter a start and end time. To remove a session, just click on the red cross.
  5. Once satisfied with your selection, choose the green Next tab to Add Staff Members.


Step 2 - Add staff

The days that the club has been made available on will be shown -  tick which session(s) you wish to assign the member of staff to and then choose that person from the drop down.  A drop down list of all active staff members will be displayed.  Select from the drop down one or more members of staff that are associated with the club. The staff member's name will then be shown next to the session that they will be involved in.  Repeat this process for all staff involved.  

add staff.png


Step 1 - Add prices

When you are happy select 'Next'.  This will allow you to record the financial details of the club.

club cost.png


Is the Club Chargeable to Students? 
Is the Club Chargeable to Students? will allow you to charge students who attend the club.  If you select yes, then you are presented with other options - including charging those students who fail to attend the club.  If the option is set to No, then you simply proceed to the next step.

chargeable to students.png

Charge Students when Absent? 
This will allow you to charge students who have been recorded as wishing to attend the club but fail to attend. Please note, this setting will not apply charges to ad hoc members who have not attended.

Backdate cost to the start of the club? 
This allows you to apply any club costs to the students when you have set up a club after it has already started, allowing you to apply the costs retrospectively from the start date you have specified.

Use Advanced Costs in this club?
The advanced costs option is designed to allow you to have 2 costs for students.  When the option is set to Yes, you have the option to set a standard and alternative cost.                                                                

      advanced club costs.png


Add students

The final stage is to add students to the clubs.  Here you can select whether you wish to add/remove students from clubs.

manage club students.png

  • To add students in bulk, you can do this by selecting either the year/form and the club that you wish to manage - you will be presented with a list of students.  
  • To add a student to a club, simply click on their name and their name will turn orange indicating that they have been added to the club.  
  • To remove a student, simply click again on their name and it will turn grey. 
  • Add an individual student by unticking the box under "Bulk Add", type the student's name under "Student" and select the club you wish to add them to. After clicking choose, click on the student's name and when the box is highlighted in orange, the student is added to the club.

If you wish to add a different collection of students to the Monday club than the Tuesday club, then simply click on the green tick against the day to deselect it (it will then have a red cross next to it).  Add the students, then select the next day and repeat the process. 

If a student is not attending all the sessions selected there will be a icon to the right of their name, which if you place your mouse pointer over, will indicate which sessions the student does attend.

Once you have completed adding the students, the club set up is complete.


Manage Clubs

This area of the software allows you to change certain features about the club: including costs, the schedule and the staff members involved.

manage clubs.png

Once 'Edit Club' has been selected, you will be able to change certain features about a club.

  • This will allow you to change the session days, costs for students, as well as amend the start and end date of the club with certain limitations.
  • You can also make a club 'Inactive' and once 'Inactive', delete it if needed.
  • To change whether a club is chargeable or if you charge absent students, simply click where it currently says ON and it will change to OFF.
  • To change the days the club is running, click on the day to make it toggle between being active and inactive.  

club features.png


Turning advanced costings off

If you find that you are unable to change the advanced costings to OFF, it means that you have already recorded advanced costs against a student and in order to preserve the data correctly, it will remain on.  You can still edit and change any alternative costs: so setting to 0.0 will be needed if your school has decided to move away from two alternative prices. 


Changing the start or end date

You cannot change the start date of the club if registration information has been recorded prior to the new start date. 

You cannot change the end date for a club if there is attendance information after the new end date.

You will get an error message and the delete buttons will disappear to avoid inducing any errors into the club records.

Changing the cost of a club

You can change the cost of a club and the new cost will be applied from the date it was changed


Edit Staff Information

This allows you to change the staff members currently allocated to a club.


Club Cost History

This will show any cost changes you have made historically and if you wish to back date a new cost. Placing a tick and then selecting the option to Backdate, you can retrospectively apply the cost. Backdating the club costs will not overwrite any current records and will only apply the change for the date range shown.  

revert club cost.png

Adhoc Attendance Planner

This area allows you to select an individual student and add them to clubs as an adhoc student.

Select the student you wish to add to a club on an adhoc basis and click choose.  

Here you will see a calendar of all clubs available in the month.  Any clubs that the student is already assigned to will show in blue.  

If you wish to assign the student as an adhoc member click on the club, an 'are you sure?' box will be displayed, click ok and then the student will be highlighted in yellow, meaning they are attending that club just for the date selected and will appear on the register on this day.   

ad hoc planner for club.png


Edit Club Membership

This allows you to adjust the club membership, control the payments individual students are paying, as well as some bulk actions to the entire club; including adjusting the date a club started and reinstating all students where possible.  The first step is to select the club you wish to manage.

Once the club has been selected, you will see a table listing all the students who are currently recorded as attending the club and in grey will be students who have left the club at some point.

Within this table you can remove any students who are leaving the club, remove completely from the club a student who has never been registered attending a club or reinstate a student who wishes to re-join a club. To do this simply place a tick against the student in the appropriate column and select save.

Once a student has left a club you can edit the final register date for that child in the Edit Final Register Date column. If you charge for absent students this step is important as it will ensure that a student will not be charged historically for sessions they did not attend.

club memberships.png


Alternative Cost - Using the 'Advanced Payment' option

You can select which payment type applies to a student. The default option is that all students will have the standard cost applied unless you specify otherwise.  

To change the payment level to the 'Alternative Cost' or 'Payment Exempt' click the payment level and select from the drop down the payment level required. 


You also have the ability using the Bulk Actions to change data for all the student currently in the club.

The description for each action will allow you to decide if the feature you wish to change is appropriate and to which students it will apply to.  

Once you have selected the bulk action, you have the option to cancel it and it will select the students to which the change will apply.

bulk action for clubs.png


Manage Payments

In this area you are able to add payments, edit payments and view a list of all payments made. You can also view historic registers. Choose the 'Manage Payments' tab at the top of the page to record payments and allocate the payment to one or more club.  

manage club payments.png


Add Bulk Payments

This will allow you to record payments for a specific year/form or club.  Once you have selected the appropriate group, you will see a list of students and you can either make a single student payment or where appropriate, split payments between siblings.

Single Student Payment:  The icon will be blue if the student has been allocated to a club.  Click on the £ icon for the selected student and you will see an area to record a payment and a table summarising the clubs the student attends and details of the payments made to date and the current total costs.

  1. When you have entered the total payment, you are then able to split that total between the clubs listed. The total allocated to the clubs must match the total payment entered and you can specify the payment method giving the payment a reference.  
  2. Once the payments match the total, you will see a 'Save Payment' button.  
  3. Finally, you can print a receipt by placing a tick in the Receipt box.
  4. The 'Back to List' button will take you back to the list of students to allow you to record further payments.

payment for club.png


Split Payments Across Siblings

This allows you to record payments for siblings more quickly.  As before, there is a payment details box, you will then see a list of the siblings with the clubs they attend. The total amounts entered (for each club) for each sibling, must match the total payments in the payments details field.

Edit Payments

This allows you to edit any payment records.  You are able to change all aspects of the payment made for a particular club, including deleting the record.  

To view a list of the payments; you can filter by date, clubs, year and form group, as well as by single student. 

You will then see a list of the payments. To change the payment, select 'Edit Payment'

You will see the payment details with the ability to change aspects of that payment.  You can also delete the record and return to the list of payments.

edit payment details.png


Registers Tab

The register allows you to record attendance at a particular club.  The first step is to select the club and the date for the club.  When you look at the calendar, the days that the club are scheduled to run are in orange.  


select register date.png


You will then see a list with the students who are scheduled to attend the club listed.  To mark them as present, click on NO and it will turn to YES.  The club cost will automatically populate the payment field, however, you can alter the value if needed. There is a 'Notes' field where you can add any further information, for example; if the child had a meal during the session.  

register marks and notes for clubs.png


You can also add a student on an Adhoc basis by clicking on the green cross (+).  Select the student you wish to add to the club form the drop down and select 'Add Adhoc Student'.  This student will then appear in the register highlighter in yellow.

Remember to 'Submit' the register when complete.

ad hoc club student.png


Clubs Module Options Tab

This area is where administrative staff can configure which areas of the clubs module will be available and editable by teaching (and other non administrative) staff. 

They would access the clubs area via Workspace > Clubs

On clicking the 'Clubs Module Options' tab this page appears: You can open or lock down any of the given four areas, depending on what functionality you wish the teaching staff to have.

Switching off any of these areas will mean that they do not appear at all in the 'Workspace' area, limiting functionality to administrative staff. 

This list is exportable by clicking on the yellow arrow download icon on the top right hand side of the screen.

Note:  If you have already used the advanced costs option you will be unable to turn it off as the record of costs incurred by the students would be in error.

clubs workspace.png

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