Go to Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > Blank Student Register
What does the report display?
The blank student register will produce a register that can be filled in by the teaching staff. The date range for the register is selectable and each day is is split into an AM/PM period.
How do I filter this report?
This report is filtered by date range and Year/Form. Select your date range and Year/Form you would like and click Choose. Please note you can select multiple Years/Forms by holding down 'Ctrl' on Windows or 'cmd' if using a Mac.
You will then be presented with a blank register for each form with blank spaces for both AM and PM registers for each student on every day of the week.
How do I export this data?
The information displayed can be exported as either a Word, Excel or PDF document. You can also display the report as either landscape or portrait.
Additional information
Please note: The star on the report identifies a 'favourite' report. Click the star to toggle yes or no.