Student attendance between two specific percentages (E.g. 93% and 90%)

You can run an attendance report showing pupils with an attendance percentage falling between two specific number using Reporting > Reports > Attendance tab > Percentage Attendance Between.

Select the groups, forms, and date range required for your report (don't forget to include Former students if you're doing historical reporting), and then set the two attendance percentage thresholds by selecting the desired values from the drop down menus labelled "Percentage Below" and "Percentage Above".

You can also choose to exclude from the report students who are not of statutory school age (under 5 yrs) using the Remove Under 5s button.

Finally, click Choose.



When the report has loaded, you can sort the table of students to display (for example) the total attendance percentage in ascending or descending order. Just click in a free grey area of the column heading, being careful not to click the bin icon at the top (you'll have to reload the report to get the deleted column back).

  • Exporting your data allows you to print, save, or further edit the information on screen. To do so, click the icon the in the top-right corner).
  • Clicking on the student's name will take you to their individual profile
  • Student names highlighted in red represent students who are no longer on roll.


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