Entering or amending historical Steps assessment data


ScholarPack has the functionality to input or amend historical data for Early Years and Steps, this functionality is located in Admin > Students.


Early Years - EYFS Assessment Checkpoints (Pink)

ScholarPack MIS 2015-04-07 10-05-16.png

Once you have accessed this module you will need to select the academic year you want to enter or adjust results for followed by the subject, the checkpoint and the current year group the students are currently in.


You also have the option to filter by class. A table of names will appear that match your filters with a drop down menu next to each name to enter their data.


If students have marks they will appear automatically, if they don't the drop down box should display as empty. All early year marks will be available in the drop down box. 

Please note if you are using the early years markbook then changing any marks for this academic year will corrupt your data.


Steps - Assessment Checkpoints (Pink)

ScholarPack MIS 2015-04-07 10-05-56.png

Once you have accessed this module you will need to select the academic year you want to enter or adjust results for followed by the subject, the checkpoint and the current year group the students are currently in.


You also have the option to filter by class. A table of names will appear that match your filters, a drop down box to the right should also be available. If students have marks they will appear automatically, if they don't the drop down box should display as empty. All Steps will be available in the drop down box

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