Attendance Report for SEN Students

There are a number of options for obtaining SEN attendance data, depending on the type of report required.

1. Attendance Charts

If you go to Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) you will find the Attendance Charts report.


Select SEN Breakdown from the graphical report dropdown menu.


Enter the date range you require, then click Filter this Page by Date. You will then view a table with a breakdown of the cohort's attendance figures: 


If you had selected Special Groups from that graphical report dropdown (above SEN Breakdown) you would receive a table showing SEN total attendance in addition to other cohorts (e.g. Pupil Premium, EAL, FSM). 



2. SEN Groups

If you only required a graphical output, you would find this at Reporting > Reports > Support (tab)>SEN Groups. 

Here you will find graphs for SEN, Not SEN, and SEN and PP attendance. Hover your mouse over the charts to obtain the figure breakdown.



3. Custom Attendance Report

For individual student percentages go to Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > Custom Attendance Report


Under Groups you would enter SEN Support, and under Group Students By you select Student.

This will produce a table of all your SEN students, providing their names and breakdown of individual attendance statistics.

You would need to run the same report for Education Health and Care Plan in order to obtain the figures for those SEN students as well.

You cannot select both SEN Provisions together or you would obtain no results, as a student cannot be both SEN Support and EHCP.


4. Data Digger

If you required individual student attendance figures for all SEN Provisions (SEN Support as well as EHCP), you could create a dynamic group in Reporting > Data Digger. 

Select SEN details from the dropdown on the right to cover both SEN Provisions.

Click on the figure in the centre of the circle and give this group an appropriate name.

Check that the figure equals the number of students in your SEN Report.




Attendance reports can be run by Dynamic Groups in Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > Percentage Attendance Between. 


Select the Dynamic Group you created for your SEN students from the Group dropdown (you will find the name under the Dynamic Group section - in this example it was named all sen), and you will obtain a table showing individual SEN student attendance data.



With selecting your all sen dynamic group from the Group drop down, the report will filter the students to display only those with sen.


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