If appropriate for your school, you may still record this information on the student profile.
On their extended tab under the Personal Information header. This sits just below where you would record the student's First Language.
If you need to apply PIE to a large number of students, you can do this in Group Updater (Admin > Students > Group Updater), and select Proficiency in English from the Student Attribute drop-down.
You can report on PIE via Reporting > Reports > Students (tab) > Languages/EAL.
Removing in bulk
If you wish to remove all records of PIE in ScholarPack, you can see how to do this here: Delete Nationality, Country of Birth and Proficiency in English (PIE) in Bulk
Related articles:
Where do I record a student's First Language?
I have added a first language that isn't English but the student isn't showing as EAL.