If you are preparing for Year End and have not yet promoted students up a Year group, you can assign students to their new forms for the new academic year using the Group Updater.
- Go to Admin > Students > Group Updater.
Current Year Group - Choose the current Year group of the students you want to assign the Form too.
You can still do this If you have already promoted students up a Year, but you would need to select the Year group they will be from September.
Current Form Group - Select the Form group the students are currently assigned to.
Student Attribute - Choose "New Form for September" then click Choose.
- You will see a column showing the students 'Current Form Group' and a column showing the new academic year's Form group. Students who have not yet been assigned a new form for September will show as 'None'.
- Select the new Form you want to assign students to from the blank drop-down box at the top next to the 'Check All' button.
(In this example we are moving students from Y2 Beavers to Y3 Lions)
- Select the students you wish to assign to this form by clicking on the box under the 'Select' column adjacent to their names.
- Click "Update Students" at the bottom of the table to save your changes.
- If some students in the list are moving to a different Form, just change the dropdown at the top next to the 'Check All' button then select the other students.