Delete a Student Profile

You may wish to delete a student's profile if they are no longer going to be starting at your school, or if their profile was duplicated in error.


You will need to have the Admin user role to do this



Please be advised that once deleted, this information is not retrievable.  You must be certain the profile and any associated data will no longer be needed (e.g. Attendance data, History of communications, Contacts).

1. Type the required student's name or Student ID number into the search box (found in the top right of every page) then navigate to the Student Profile > Extended tab.




2. Scroll to the very bottom of the Extended tab and click the Delete Student box:


3. Solve the sum by entering the correct answer in the text box, and then click Delete to remove the student.  You may be asked to confirm several times.

Error when trying to delete

If you receive an error when deleting the student (as below) you will need to remove any attendance codes (including X codes) already assigned to this student profile.


You can do this via Register > Manage Register

From the "single student" drop-down, find the student and put in the dates required and click View Register.

*You can filter the date range for 30 days at a time

Now use the "remove codes" button at the bottom of the table to remove the attendance code.

If you have removed all attendance codes and still receive this error, please contact Support.

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