Once you have entered your statutory assessment data via Admin > Students > Statutory Assessment or Workspace > Statutory Assessment you can then create a CTF to send to the relevant department.
To create this please go to Admin > Students > Export CTF, in this area you will see multiple partial CTFs available for your assessment data.
If you wish to send your KS2 statutory assessment results to an external software system, to include Teacher Tests, then you are advised to generate a full CTF for the students in that year group (e.g. Year 6 for KS2 Statutory). Teacher Tests are not included in the partial CTF files.
FSP is for Foundation Stage Profile and will contain the Early Years Data.
Once you have selected the corresponding file for the data you wish to export simply click choose.
The file name and curriculum year should already be selected for you (as in the screenshot below).
The only thing you may wish to do is select to include former students if you have had a pupil leave recently who you are required to report on.
If you are sending this data to the Primary Assessment Gateway or your Local Authority it is not required to select a Preset Destination.
Exporting Phonics Data
For Phonics results you may also need to include those students who retook the test this year. To do this please click the additional "Include Y2 Retakes" check box you will find on the phonics CTF page.
Once you have clicked Choose a list of the students in the year group will appear, you can either select the students you wish to send the CTF for by clicking the box to the far right hand side of their name (Select column) or if all students on screen are required simply click Check All at the top.
This page will not show the results entered. If you wish to check this before sending the file please go to Admin > Students > Statutory Assessment to view the data entered. Refer to: Enter Statutory Phonics Results.
Once you have selected the students you wish to send the data for, click the Generate Common Transfer File button at the bottom of the page.
This will automatically download the CTF (XML) file into your downloads area and you may also see the file drop to the bottom left hand corner of your screen. You can then upload this to the required site.
Do Not Change the Filename
These files have specific filenames specified by the DfE, so when downloading the file please do not change the filename.
Due to the file type, you may not be able to open this on your computer but do not worry this will import to the destination as expected.