Go to Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > 100% List
What does the report display?
The 100% attendance list will give you a list of students who have had full attendance.
It will also show those students who have 100% attendance including any selected absence code(s).
By default it will include those students who have an L code (late before registers close).
How do I filter this report?
When you access this report you will have the following filters; year, form, dynamic and static groups.
If you do not choose a group, by default this will show all the students in the school.
Next you will need to select a period to report on using the date pickers at the top and which of the attendance codes you are happy to include in the report.
You will have the option to include current, former and future students if necessary.
How do I order, filter and remove data?
The report will be produced in a tabular format displaying columns relating to the report title. Simply click on the column header to order the data or select the bin icon to remove the column.
To filter this data further, each column header will have a white text entry field where you can produce results based on your query, for text fields you can enter a string which will return all the data relating to that value.
If the the field is an integer or a date range you are able to enter the queries, equal to (=), greater than (>) or less than (<).
To see those students who haven't had lates, click into the blank text box under the late heading and type 'not >=1' and hit enter. This will show only those students without L or U codes over the given time period.
How do I export this data?
The information displayed can be exported as either a Word, Excel or PDF document. You can also display the report as either landscape or portrait.
Additional information
Please note: Clicking on the student's name will take you to their profile.
The star on the report identifies a 'favourite' report. Click the star to toggle yes or no.
If you require to view all students (not just those with 100% attendance click 'show all students under 100%' and also click to 'show occurrences of lates' and then choose.