Report showing Attendance Figures for Last Academic Year

Head to Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > Custom Attendance Report.

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 09.29.10.png

Enter the dates you are wanting to report on, and under Include Years remember students have rolled up a year.

So, if you wish to report on last year's Reception to Year 6 attendance, select Year 1 to Year 7, and ensure Include Former Students box is ticked.

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 09.30.18.png

This report will give you a breakdown of attendance by year group for the school, with total school attendance figures in the bottom row, for the past academic year.

You can exclude attendance for students under 5 by entering a cut-off date in the box just under the selection tables. You will not be able to report on attendance by form group, as form data is not archived by ScholarPack.

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