If you go to Admin > Students > Admissions you are able to view all future students that have been added to the system.
For Year End it is very important to check the following information in this area:
- Prospective Year (this will be the year the pupil will be in once the Year End is complete ready for September)
- Prospective Form (this will be the form group the pupil will be in once the Year End is complete ready for September)
- Entry date (the pupil will show on the register from this date. Please be advised without an entry date present it will not be possible to save data on the extended tab of the student profile)
- Admission Status (this should be set to enrolled if you are wanting these students to show in reports or if you wish to create labels for these students)
You are able to amend the information individually by clicking into the data item in the table that you wish to amend. Once the data is amended this is saved automatically (for the entry date or prospective entry date please click the green tick to save).
Alternatively to update this information in bulk you can click onto the bulk update admissions button at the top of the page.
In this area leave starting year as all years to view all admissions students and then change the student attribute to the data item you wish to amend in bulk.
Once you have selected this and clicked choose, this will list all admissions students, you can then select the entry date (or whichever data item you have requested to change) from the box next to check all, then either check all (to apply the change to all students) or tick next to the students you wish to amend this information for. Once you are happy with your selection click update at the bottom to save.
Please note even with this information saved if the pupil does not show up in September it will still be possible to delete the profile.
Also please be aware pupils will not show in Register > Manage Register until their entry date has passed. If you wish to check that they are set in the correct year/form group please go to Reporting > Reports > Students (tab) > Next Year's Form Groups to check this information.