How to add contacts to a student profile

In order to add a contact onto ScholarPack, go to the student profile and click onto the cog next to contact information.  


You then have the choice to Add New (creating a unique contact with its own ID), or to search for the contact name and link to the contact details already in ScholarPack.

This ensures if edits are made on one student profile for this contact (e.g. mobile or email address) it will automatically update on student profiles with the same linked contact.

Always do a search before clicking Add New in case the contact is already in ScholarPack, otherwise duplicate contacts may be created which causes issues elsewhere in the system such as Comms.

For this reason, if a student changes their doctor's surgery, which is usually a linked contact to a number of other students, do not edit the contact but instead remove from the student profile and then add the new contact details. 



1. Adding a unique contact

When you click on Add New you are provided with the fields required for the new contact.

A new contact will need all fields with an asterix entered, as well as Contact Order. Parental Responsibility and Permission to Take Home are also required fields.

The fields at the base of the contact all refer to Comms, and are required in order to send messages to parents.

The Allow Contact by 3rd Parties will need to be set to Yes if you use a data feed (API) to either Wonde or Groupcall; these companies are data aggregators and set themselves as a 3rd Party API for this reason. 


When you have entered all the details you require, click on Add Contact in order to save the details on the student profile. 


2. Creating a link to an existing contact

In order to create a linked contact, enter the name in the search box to find the contact name, and the students already linked to them. 



You have the option to click View to see the existing contact details held, and the students linked to them. Or you can click on Update in order to create the linked contact for this student. 



You will need to set the relationship with this student from the dropdown, and add the additional fields - the address, mobile and email address will automatically be entered into the contact details on this student profile.

Click on Allocate in order to save the contact details on the student profile. 



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