In order to send Comms messages to your Admission Students, they will need to have their Admission Status set as Enrolled. In Admin > Students > Admissions you will find your admissions students. Click on Bulk Update Admissions which will take you to a Group Updater for these admissions students:
Select Admissions-Status from the Student Attribute dropdown, then Choose. Click on Check All to select the students prior to choosing Enrolled from the dropdown box. To action this click Update Students.

As long as the students have a future entry date this will not affect current registers. It is also not going to impact being able to delete any student who decides not to attend in the future.
- Students will need to have a current year group assigned to them. These changes can be made via the Student Attribute dropdown menu.
- In addition students will need to have full contact details on their profiles, with all areas filled in, or the information cannot pull through to the Comms Area.
- Finally, the year group the students are currently in needs to be in your ScholarPack setup - so Reception new entrants will currently be in year -1. If your school does not have a Nursery you may need to go to Admin > Config >Core Setup > Years to set this up.
When these changes have been made, in Admin > Comms you will find the Admissions Students under Future Students, and under the year group they currently reside in (e.g. Nursery for next year's Reception students).
If the admissions students in the Comms area have no emails or phone numbers showing, check that their contact has a Contact order (at the top of the screen) and that all permissions have been given in the Student Profile Contact area (e.g. allow contact by email).
All contacts must have a Contact order and Responsibility/Permission to Take home and Allow contact by Email/SMS/Phone/Letter must be set to Yes.
To check this, go to the Student Profile, click on the Contact and then on the Black Cog beside the Contact name - this will then take you to the area to check/edit.