Learning Support Needs

You can record the Learning Support Needs for a student on their student profile's Support Tab.


Click on the white cog, then Add New to enter data.


This section can be used to log details of any specific needs a student may have regarding their learning, with the support staff involved, with dates for any related assessments.

The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is the process to identify children who have additional needs, assess needs and strengths and to provide them with a co-ordinated, multi agency support plan to meet those needs.

The CAF Lead is also known as a Lead Professional.

They are employed by one of the services involved with the child and family, and coordinate the delivery of the actions agreed.

To add or make adjustments, use the cog next to Learning Support Needs on the student's profile. 


Clicking the cog will open up the menu, allowing you to add a new item to that section or delete the information.


What's next?

Find out how to report on this here: Learning Support Report

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