Restricted Access Supply Teacher User Role

If you require a very restricted login to ScholarPack, where just registers can be taken but no student or staff data can be viewed, there is the Supply Login.

You will find this at: Admin > Personnel > Supply Logins

This is an automatic login that can be issued to supply or other staff on an adhoc basis.  

The password for the account can be manually reset at anytime. 

When you manually change the password here, any staff member using this login will need to be informed to maintain access to ScholarPack. 

The user role for the supply staff will ONLY allow them to take the form register through Home > Register.

They will not have access to any other area in ScholarPack or be able to view any student data.

  • The Supply Login can also be given to Teaching Assistants who you only wish to take the class register. This is the only view of ScholarPack the Supply Login user role provides.
  • Alternatively there are two roles designed for Teaching Assistants which also have restricted access to ScholarPack. For more information please refer to the User Roles Guide.
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