Migrating from SIMS to ScholarPack Guide

This guide has been created to help support all ScholarPack users when moving from SIMS to ScholarPack. Here we will show you a comparison between some of the main features with the two systems to highlight similarities and differences which will hopefully assist you with a better understanding of the functionality. 


How to Access

SIMS - To access SIMS you are required to be physically at your school and connected to the school's network, of have been set up for remote access (e.g Citrix).

ScholarPack - As ScholarPack is a cloud based service, you are able to access the platform anywhere that you have an Internet connection, on any device with a Internet browser! The only additional information you require is your school's unique URL (e.g https://scholarpack1.com/yourschoolnamehere) and your log in credentials (username and password). 


Dashboard/Home Page

SIMS - On the SIMS Home Page (this will be configured by the user) you will see a user's timeline displayed. Teachers will have their class registers displayed on this timeline and by right clicking on the class they require they are able to select from a list of options. 

ScholarPack - Here is an example of what the dashboard looks like: 

example dashboard.png


SIMS - In SIMS the navigation bar is referred to as the Tool Bar. 

ScholarPack - The navigation bar in ScholarPack is located along the top of the page and allows access to the different areas of the system. This navigation bar will look different depending on what access you have been provided (the role that has been assigned to your account). 



SIMS - Help articles can be located within the Documentation folder or within the Help section on the Home Page. 

ScholarPack - In the top right of the page you will see the Documentation link where you can access the Help Centre, please use this first if you are having any issues with using ScholarPack or require some advice on how to perform an action. If you are unable to find what you need in the Help Centre, the Support link will provide you with the contact information for your support team.  You can also access the Documentation link within the Home menu. 

Note: If you receive support from ScholarPack, you will also have a Help icon on the bottom right of the screen where you can start a web chat with our support team. 


Password Resets

SIMS - If the user requires to change their password, they can action this once logged into SIMS. If a user requires their password to be reset as they have forgotten their password they can request this by clicking the 'Forgotten Password' option on the sign in page. Once this has been requested, someone with System Manager access can action this. 

ScholarPack - If the user requires to change their password, once signed in the user would go to Home>My Password and submit the change following the requirements on the screen. If the user has forgotten their password they would need to contact someone who has the System Admin role assigned to them for them to log in and change their password for them via the staff member's profile Admin > Personnel > Staff > Change password/roles.  


Pupil Information

SIMS - Pupil information can be found by using the 'Quick Search' function or through Browse/Search. 

ScholarPack - The search function in the top right of your navigation bar gives you access to Pupil Profiles. When you click into the search box field, names will appear alphabetically and you are able to search for a pupil by first or last name, year group, form, phone number or date of birth (the pupil's year/form will display next to their name in brackets). 

Refer to the 'Pupil Profile' section of the guidance below:

ScholarPack Full Overview Guide


Registers - Teachers

SIMS - Teachers are able to access their registers on their timelines or via the Take Register function that is located below the Tool Bar. 

ScholarPack - Teachers can take their Register by going to Home>Register and selecting the register they wish to take from the drop down list (the first time they log in each day will automatically take them to their register page). Once a Teacher has submitted the register this is no longer able to be amended by them, any changes would need to be undertaken by a staff member with the admin role assign to them. 


Registers - Office/Admin

SIMS - Any pupil with an unexplained absence on the current day is shown within Focus>Attendance>Check. To view any pupil with an unexplained absence on selected date/date range, this can be located in Focus>Attendance>Edit Marks (Edit Marks will need to be unlocked via the padlock). 

ScholarPack - Any pupil with an unexplained absence on the current day is shown within Register>Daily Check, here you can amend these details if required. To view/edit any pupil with an unexplained absence on selected date/date range, this can be located in Register>Manage Register

Refer to: Manage Register

Note: You can also use the Manage Register section to enter future absences (e.g. medical appointments, holidays, etc), however, when moving from SIMS to ScholarPack, please ensure you have made a note of any future absences you have entered there as these will not migrate. 

Student Attendance Patterns

SIMS - An attendance pattern can be selected for a pupil via Focus>Attendance>Enter a Weekly Pattern, here you can filter by an individual pupil or by a group (e.g class, year or user-defined group). 

ScholarPack - Attendance patterns can be created/edited for pupils by going to Register>Patterns. These patterns can be used for various reasons, most patterns are used for Nursery children. F

Exporting an Individual Pupil's CTF

SIMS - To export a CTF (Common Transfer File) for a pupil, select Routines>Data Out>CTF>Export Out.

ScholarPack - To export a CTF for a pupil, go to the pupil's profile and click the blue file icon located to the right of their name. The CTF will download to your computer to your Downloads folder. 


SIMS - To view the totals for the current academic year, go to Student>Teacher View, exclusions are linked from the pupil details. 

ScholarPack - Exclusions must be logged in ScholarPack even if they are logged on any other systems used (as this information is required for the Census). To manage a pupil's exclusions; go to the required pupil profile, select the Conduct tab, select the blue Exclusions option from the left side menu, and click Add to enter the details. 

Note: When adding an exclusion, ensure to log the code E within the register via Manage Register for the relevant date range (this will ensure the register reflects the correct code without needing to update this each day). 

example exclusion.png



SIMS - To view/amend a pupil's SEN support information, go to Student >Teacher View > SEN Provision

ScholarPack - To view/amend a pupil's SEN support information, go to Pupil Profile>Support>SEN (sections can be edited by selecting the white cog net to the section heading). Other sections within the Support tab are usually only used by the school's SENCO/SENDCO. 

Manually Adding a Student

SIMS - To manually add a student, this is located in Pupil Details>New.

ScholarPack - To manually add a pupil, go to Admin > Students > Add Student Manually. Once the student has been added, further details can be added for the child by going to their pupil profile, then selecting the tabs and/or white cogs to make changes to the field.  

Students Not on Roll

SIMS - Using 'Quick Search' will provide the information for pupils on roll, in a pre admissions group, or off roll. 

ScholarPack - To view this information go to Admin>Students>Search Not on Roll; Select the pupil/form/year from the drop down menu then click Choose. Once the selected list has loaded you can use the options in the far left column to create a CTF, view the pupil's profile or reinstate them back on-roll. 

Note: Reinstated pupils will show on registers immediately unless you set an alternative entry date within the pupil's profile on the extended tab. 

no longer on role.png


Bulk Information Updating

SIMS - You are able to update information in bulk by going to the Bulk up-date/Housekeeping option. 

ScholarPack - To update certain information in bulk, please go to Admin>Students>Group Updater; in this section you are able to select the group of pupils and the attribute you wish to change from the drop down menu, then select Choose. Once the selected list of pupils has loaded, select/enter the value, tick the pupils you wish to update and click Update Students at the bottom of the table. All selected pupils will be updated to the chosen value. 

group updater.png


Personnel Admin





The register allows you to store details for non contracted personnel such as governors or external contractors.




Central Register

This will need to be updated manually.

A means of recording both staff attendance data as well as staff absence details.

Staff Personnel Record>Absences



Manage Staff Attendance

Set future attendance patterns to add absence reasons in the future for staff. 


Manage Classroom Staff


Personal Record>Panel 3 Organisations


Manage Staff Attendance Patterns

Generate Pay Spine Points, give each Spine Point a salary value and if need be rename the Pay Spine Point.

Tools>Staff>Pay Related>Choose appropriate service term



Pay Spine Points

Staff Profile containing all information about staff members including personal details and contract.



The staff icon on the toolbar



Create a separate login credential to access the system for Supply Teachers.

Create a SIMs user account with Supply Teacher access


Supply Logins

Add staff training courses and select who is able to take these. Tools>Staff>Training>Select Training Course


Training Courses


For more information please refer to:

Staff Profile



SIMS - Once you have logged into SIMs, users can stay logged in with no time limit. 

ScholarPack - To better help with the protection of your data within ScholarPack, as default, a user will be logged out automatically if the system is left idle for 60 minutes. This length of time can be changed within the security settings located at Admin > Config > Security Settings


SIMS - To access reports in SIMs, this is located at Reports>Run>Select Report/Design

ScholarPack - There are a number of pre made reports for you to access within ScholarPack, they can be accessed by going to Reporting>Reports.



You can find guidance on each report by searching the report name in our Help Centre

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