Student Year Groups and Ages E1, E2, N1, N2 and R

The information below details the national curriculum year groups and year group codes set by the DfE. mceclip0.png

  • E1 represents the Early first year (Year -4) for children aged 0 at 31 August by turning 1 during the year
  • E2 represents the Early second year (Year -3) for children aged 1 at 31 August but turning 2 during the year.

The E1 and E2 codes provide maximum flexibility in recording ‘pre-N1’ children. It is left to schools to determine how they wish to use these codes to best suit their needs.

  • N1 represents the Nursery first year (Year -2) for children aged 2 at 31 August but turning 3 during the year 
  • N2 represents the Nursery second year (Year -1) for children aged 3 at 31 August but turning 4 during the year.
  • R represents the Reception Year (Year 0)

You are able to configure these in Admin > Config > Core Set Up > Years. You can see more detail here: How do I edit, delete or create a new Year group?

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