The Search box (top right of the dashboard) allows you to search for a student by name, UPN, postcode, student contact, contact phone, former names, alternative names, academic year or date of birth.
When you type in the details for the required student, only that student will show in the list. This is then clickable to bring the student's profile up on the screen.
You can also search for members of staff if you have the Admin role within ScholarPack.
As you start to input the name, all students will initially appear alphabetically. You will then see all students whose names contain those letters arranged into year groups, so if you only know the child's first name and their year, you should still be able to find them.
Click on the name of the student whose profile you wish to view.
At the top of the student's profile page there are three small icons, an green A5 index card option, an XML file option and a PDF button.
These enable the following;
- A5 - will produce an A5 sized report displaying the child's emergency details
- XML - to create a CTF - will allow you to export all information on the student's profile to a 'Common Transfer File'.
- PDF - will download all information regarding that student
Student Photograph
If no photograph is present, you can click "add photo" to enter a photograph of the student that is stored on your computer. If a photograph is present, you can remove it by clicking on the red "X" below the photograph.
Further guidance can be found here:
Photo Manager / Upload and import student photos in bulk / Upload Individual Student Photo
Currently in School
This area will allow you to see if the student has been registered in school and whether they are on the school grounds. The options available are;
Not registered this session. This will be displayed when the student has not yet been registered for the AM/PM session.
- Yes - This is displayed when the student has been registered in school.
- No - This is displayed when the student has been registered as absent.
Basic Information
Basic information about the student such as; Year/Form, House, Sex, etc. appears underneath their photograph on the left-hand side of the screen. Certain aspects of the basic information can be edited by clicking on the white cog next to the section you want to edit.
Students aspects will also show in this area.
Refer to:
The student's address can be recorded within ScholarPack. Once you have clicked on the edit cog you will see details of the current and any former address details.
This will allow you to associate siblings. Click on the siblings cog and you will have the option to either associate a possible sibling that has been identified by having the same surname or you can search the school database for those siblings who have a different surname.
Refer to:
This allows you to record a student's first and other languages.
If the first language is other than English, then you can add the EAL step and levels the student is working at in reading, speaking and writing.
In order for a child to be shown for census purposes as EAL an EAL Step must be chosen.
Contact Information
A list of contacts for a student is stored in their profile area under 'Contact Information'.

Medical Details
Any allergies or medical conditions can be entered here.
Refer to:
ScholarPack allows staff to write notes about the students using the Notes section.
Notes in red have been marked as critical and will appear at the top of the list.
Click the cog button in the notes title bar to add or edit notes about the student. There are four types of note you can add to the students profile:
- Medical
- Behavioural
- Pastoral
- Other
You also have the ability to hide a note. This note will then not appear on the front page but will be visible within the editing page.
Refer to:
Clicking on the white cog next to permissions will allow you to view and edit activities in school that parents have consented to, for example whether they will allow photographs to be taken of their child.
Refer to:
Dietary Requirements
This will list the dietary requirements of the student as configured in the 'Ancillary' area of the student profile.
Clicking on the white cog will allow you to adjust the requirements on the student front page and this will then be replicated on the Ancillary page.
Refer to:
Tabs Bar
At the top of the student profile page is the student menu bar. These tabs link you to additional information about that student.
The first icon on the left is the student's name and will bring you back to the student profile page if you have moved away from it by clicking on one of the other links.