The RBA will be used to create school-level progress measures for primary schools which will show the progress students make from reception until the end of Key Stage 2.
The RBA is actioned via a specific Baseline ePortal (BeP), which EYFS and Head Teachers will have access to. The
Assessment and Reporting Arrangement document gives details of deadlines for completion.
There is no requirement to store data in Scholarpack as all data will be entered and stored via the ePortal.
If a Reception pupil transfers in-year, the school will need to add that pupil to the ePortal and complete the Baseline for them within 6 weeks of their start date if they have not already participated in the RBA. The school will have no access to any previous Baseline information from a pupil's former school.
How to upload Reception students details onto the ePortal
Schools must upload data for all reception students at the start of the Autumn Term before carrying out any assessments. Go to Admin > Students > Export CTF where you will find a Partial CTF for Reception Baseline.
There is no need to alter any settings as it is configured for current students in Reception (as long as their entry date is active).
Click on Choose, ensure all students have a UPN issued to them, then Check All and download the CTF at the base of the student table.
This can then be uploaded to the Baseline ePortal (BeP).
Schools should continue to upload student data for any who join Reception later in the academic year and have not already completed the assessment.