Recording Steps

Introduction to Steps

Steps are indicators that represent each student’s attainment/progress against age related expectation using a unique colour-coded scale and summative scoring system.

Each band comprises of 6 Steps, which can be recorded against checkpoints. This allows ScholarPack to calculate the age related expectation for each student displaying the result as a summative score and a colour.

Each Step has an aggregate score assigned which allows ScholarPack to analyse and measure progress, Click Here to be redirected to the Step scoring system.

The colour coding system scale indicates a visual representation of each student’s attainment against his or her age. A darker shade of green would indicate the student is working above their target and a darker shade of red would indicate the student is working below, please see diagram 1 for the full list of colours.

ScholarPack Scale for Summative Assessment

  • Students will be Exceeding if they are working 1 or more Steps above the current checkpoint.
  • Students will be Secure if they are working at the current checkpoint or 1 Step below.
  • Students will be Developing if they are working up to 5 Steps behind the current checkpoint.
  • Students will be Emerging if they are working more than 5 Steps behind the current checkpoint.

Entering Steps into the Markbook

The Summative Markbook consists of students who have been assigned to your class and will display any aspects the student has such as Pupil Premium, SEND etc in addition to their earlier statutory results. Please see below for the full range of aspects.

Symbol Aspect
G Gifted & Talented
M Medical
P Pupil Premium
C Child Protection
I Interventions


You will be able to enter assessment data (Steps) throughout the year for each checkpoint (optional), you will see a checkpoint drop down box at the top of the page, this checkpoint will also default to the term you are working in. You will also have the option to enter in historical Steps by changing the checkpoint in the drop down box.

At the top left of the Markbook you will see a coloured scale, the colour indicates if the student is working at age related expectation at that checkpoint, the number of each colour represents how many points the student is behind or above their age expectation.

To record the Step that each student is working at, choose the checkpoint you are entering the assessment data for in the drop down. You can then select either:

  • All Students
  • Class Group
  • Individual Student


Class Groups

To assign students to a group number

  • Select a group number from the drop down box for each student
  • Changes will be automatically saved

Example: you could use the numbers to identify those students who are working below, at or above expectation.

These groups can be chosen in both the formative and summative markbooks.

A column will appear on the right side which will be named after the checkpoint you have chosen in the drop down box.

By default the summative score and Step will be displayed as the Step the student should be working in (age expected), this is indicated by arrows next to the summative score (Sec >>). 

  • Example: Year 6 students at Checkpoint 1 should show Step 6:1
  • Example: Year 6 students at Baseline should show Step 5:6

example steps.png

To change a student's Step click on the drop down box and a list will appear. If you believe the student to be working below where you would expect them to be at this point in time you would choose a lower Step or if they are working above you would choose a higher Step. The Steps in the drop down boxes are colour coded to show age related expectation and will dynamically update depending on the checkpoint you are working in.update step mark.png
You also have the option to mark a number of selected students to secure.  Either select all students by pacing a tick in the box next to the  'Student' column title or select a group of students by placing a tick against each students name.
bulk mark to secure.png
All previous Steps for the current year will show if recorded, if you are working at CP4, then a column will appear showing the Steps which have been recorded for BL, CP1, CP2 and CP3.

see previous steps.png

Setting Targets

In ScholarPack you can generate two types of targets:

  • Estimates – What you believe the student will achieve
  • Aspirational – What the student wants to achieve

You can set these targets in Admin > Students > Student Targets or through My Subjects > [Your Class] > Targets, the system will then calculate the students’ end of year targets based on their end of key stage targets.

Please note: targets will default to national expectations (age related progress).

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