Class type should be set as Not a Nursery Class or Nursery Class. This is a field on the extended tab of student profile under school information.
This can be changed in bulk using the Group Updater (Admin > Students > Group Updater) - selecting Class Type as the student attribute.
Often this will occur for Nursery classes where the class type is Not a Nursery Class. You may also wish to check all Reception students are set the correct code, if they were previously in the Nursery class, as this does not automatically update in ScholarPack.
My nursery and reception are in a mixed registration class
If your students are in a mixed group reception class and you're unsure how the students should be recorded, you'll need to speak with your Local Authority.
The DfE states that: "Class equates to registration group. A nursery class is one designated by the local authority – any pupil in a class not designated as a nursery class by the local authority should be counted as an ‘other’ (O) class even if they are of nursery age."
If your students are in a mixed class, or there's any other reason you're not sure how your nursery students should be recorded, you'll need to confirm with your LA as to what the class type designation should be.
If your LA confirms the class type designation for the student is correct, you can annotate when you upload to COLLECT that it is correct.