Query 2502Q: zero attendance sessions possible recorded.

The query will arise if a dual registered student has attended all sessions the previous term at another school. In this case annotate the query on Collect when you upload the census file. 

In the Spring Census it will also arise when an off-rolled student has a leaving date after the end of previous academic year.

When you click on Fix Error, it will take you to the student profile's extended tab. Check the leaving date.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 13.37.39.png

NOTE: A student's leaving date should be the last day they have attendance data at the school, or the last day of the school academic year (if something prevented them attending and an alternative code was used for that period). 

Check the date to see that it complies with the above. If not, check the register for the students actual leaving date and update it in the extended tab. 

You can check the students historic attendance by going to Register > Manage Register > where it shows 'Single Student' type the student name in (this will work for off roll students too) and select them > filter the date range until you find the last date they had attendance data.


If you choose to keep this date, on Local Authority guidance, you will need to provide the reason when you upload the census file to Collect.

For the Spring Census, attendance data is taken from the autumn term (p.111 in the DfE census guidance). 

If the student's leaving date falls in August or early September prior to the start of your academic year, this query will therefore arise, as some attendance codes are expected with the student still on roll at that time.

One way to remove this query is to change the leaving date to one within the previous academic year, then recalculate the census. 

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