Report on EYFS Statutory Assessments

You can report on Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory assessments if you go to Reporting > Assessment > Statutory Assessment.

The GLD reports are designed for the new EYFS curriculum and will be used by all schools. 

To further information, please refer to the Department for Education (DfE) Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Handbook. 

The Statutory Assessment EYFS Reports to be used 2021 onwards are detailed below.


ELG GLD Results

In the ELG GLD Results report, select the Year of Result, and the student list with the marks for the first 12 areas will be displayed.

To be considered GLD, a student will need to achieve 2 in all 12 areas. The row above the student table provides a breakdown of percentages for the GLD students by cohort (e.g. SEN, Pupil Premium, EAL). 

The rows at the base of the student table show the percentage of students who are Emerging (1) or Expected (2) for each area of assessment. 

gld students.png

gld totals.png


A guide to the 12 GLD areas: 

12 gld areas.png


The Good Level of Development (GLD) is a performance measure used at the end of reception. Children are defined as having reached a GLD if they have achieved at least the expected level (2) for the  Early Learning Goal descriptors (ELGs) in the prime areas of learning and the specific areas of mathematics and literacy (the first 12 ELGs). 

To identify all GLD students, you will need to filter each column with a 2, so that only students achieving 2 in all 12 areas display. 

identify gld students.png


The 7 Prime Early Learning goals are: 

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

The report can be downloaded and printed, using the icon at the top right of the screen.


ELG Official Results

In the ELG Official Results Report, select the students' current academic year, and the year the results were taken prior to clicking Choose to run the report. 

The marks for each 17 assessment area will be displayed for each student, and at the base of the table is a percentage breakdown for the each area for Emerging (1) and Expected (2). 

17 assessments per student.png

17 assessments totals.png


Beneath the student table is a key to the 17 areas:

17 areas key.png


The report can be downloaded by clicking on an icon at the top right of the screen. 


ELG Report to Parents

The ELG Report to Parents will create a one page summary to be sent to each student's parent/guardian. Select the student's current academic year group from the drop-down, then click Choose to run the report. 

elg report to parents.png


To download the report for printing, click on the icon at the top right of the screen. 


ELG School Overview

The ELG School Overview report will default to the current year, but for historic reporting you may alter the year of result in the drop-down. Then click Get Results

A table will be presented with each 17 area of assessment, and the percentage who have achieved a 1, 2 or A outcome in each area. 

The report can be downloaded by clicking on the icon at the top right of the screen.

elg overview.png


EYFS Statutory Assessment Reports pre-2021

To report on Early Years statutory assessments taken prior to 2021, go to Reporting > Assessment > EYFS Statutory (Pre-2021) tab.

The EYFS reports shown below are to only be used for displaying statutory results pre-2021:

  • EYF GLD Results
  • EYF Official Results
  • EYF Reports To Parents
  • EYF School Overview
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