Reporting on Statements

Below is a list of Assessment Reports that analyse ScholarPack  Statements. Please click on the report name to find out more information.

Report Name  Attainment  Progress Targets  By Student By Cohort Graphical
Formative Percentages            
Formative Percentages Cohorts             


Formative Percentages

This report will reflect the students and the statements that need to be taught in your chosen subject and group. You will see one of four stages that the students can achieve: EmergingDevelopingSecure and Exceeding.

Please note that the stages of achievement will be filled from previous checkpoints if there is no data in the chosen checkpoint. To see which checkpoint the stage of achievement is recorded against hover your mouse over the writing in the cell.

formative grades.png

You can track your students using four development stages, 1) Emerging 2) Developing 3) Secure 4) Exceeding. Each stage consists of 1.5 points with a maximum of 6 points for each statement. A colour for each stage has been assigned to help you quickly analyse the overall performance of your group.

If you have 10 statements then the maximum points a student can achieve is 60.

Data is entered through the Formative Markbook under the My Subjects tab.

At each checkpoint you will see the percentage complete by statement (right side), the points obtained by student (bottom) and the percentage complete by student (bottom). The Percent of Assessed indicates the students percentage score of the statements where marks have been recorded.  For example, a score of 100% would indicate that the student has achieved an average score of Secure for all statements where an assessment has been recorded.  The results will update automatically whenever you change a score.

The report will calculate the maximum points a student can achieve across all statements relating to that component, 6 points for each statement. The score is calculated from all the statements displayed on the markbook page; this gives you an overall score which converts into a percentage.

100% = Secure 

Creating Additional Statements

You can now create new components and statements through ScholarPack. Once your subjects have been created you can use the new assessment platform to show your students' attainment Levels across these components.

Location: Admin > Config > Formative Assessment Statements

Formative Percentages Cohort

This report will reflect each cohorts average position against a statement, the position will be identified by one of four stages; 1) Emerging, 2) Developing, 3) Secure, 4) Exceeding.

Each stage consists of 1.5 points with a maximum of 6 points for each statement. A colour for each stage has been assigned to help you quickly analyse the overall performance of each cohort.

formative percentages.png

If you have 10 statements then the maximum points a cohort can achieve is 60.

Data is entered through the Formative Markbook under the My Subjects tab.

At each checkpoint you will see the percentage complete by statement (left side), the average points obtained by cohort (bottom) and the percentage complete by cohort (bottom). The results will update automatically whenever you change a score.

The report will calculate the maximum points a cohort can achieve across all statements relating to that component, 6 points for each statement. The score is calculated from all the statements displayed on the markbook page; this gives you an overall score which converts into a percentage.

100% = Secure 

Creating Additional Statements

You can now create new components and statements through ScholarPack. Once your subjects have been created you can use the new assessment platform to show your students' attainment Levels across these components.

Location: Admin > Config > Formative Assessment Statements.

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