Pre 2016 Reporting on Statutory Assessments


These reports are only for assessments that took place prior to the 2016 academic year.


These archived reports can be found via Reporting > Assessments > Statutory Pre 2016 (tab)



Earl Excellence Baseline

This report shows the levels achieved by each student using the Early Excellence Baseline method.  It shows the result for 12 of the early learning goals plus Characteristics of Effective Learning, an overall assessment together with a score which can range between 0-56.

EYF GLD Results

The Early Years Good Level Of Development report displays each of the EYFS 17 areas, listing all of the pupils and their attainment in each area.  Attainment is recorded as 1 - Emerging, 2 - Expected, and 3 - Exceeding.  

A Good Level of Development is classed as achieving a 2 - Expected or above, in the required 12 areas, including numeracy and literacy.

The report will also show for each of the 17 areas the cumulative percentage of pupils in each of the Emerging, Expected and Exceeding bands.

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The percentage of special cohort results, including gender, FSM, EAL, PP and autumn, spring or summer born is displayed at the top of the report.

There is a blank white cell at the top of each column which can be used to filter your data, e.g. if you would like to view all pupils with a G09 score of 2, you would type 2 into the filter box at the top of the column and press the enter key.  You can also search for pupils below, equal to or above a certain level by using the =, > or < keys. To remove any filter, just delete the conditions from the filter box.

Above the header for each column is a trash icon which allows you to remove the column from the report.

The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF by clicking the icon on the top right hand side.

Click on the pupil's surname to view the assessment area in their personal profile. Within this area you can click onto the Statutory Assessments link which will take you to the pupil's full set of results.

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EYF Official Results

The Early Years Foundation Official Results report displays each of the EYFS 17 areas, listing all of the pupils and their attainment in each area.  

Attainment is recorded as 1 - Emerging, 2 - Expected, and 3 - Exceeding.

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The report will also show for each of the 17 areas the cumulative number of pupils in each of the Emerging, Expected and Exceeding bands and give a percentage of students at each stage within the cohort.

There is a blank white cell at the top of each column which can be used to filter, e.g. if you would like to see all pupils with a G09 score of 2,  you would type 2 into the filter box at the top of this column and press the enter key.  You can also search for pupils below, equal to or above a certain level by using the =, > or < keys. To remove any filter, just delete the conditions from the filter box.

Above the header for each column is a trash icon which allows you to remove the column from the report. The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF by clicking the icon on the top right hand side.

At the bottom of the report is a key to show which area the code relates to.

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Click on the pupil's surname to view the assessment area in their personal profile. Within this area you can click onto the Statutory Assessments link which will take you to the pupil's full set of results.

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EYF Reports To Parents

The EYF Reports to Parents produces a report per child with results for each of the 17 EYF areas.  Reports can be generated by year group, set or class. If you wish you can include any comments in relation to Characteristics of Effective Learning by using the tick option. 


The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF by clicking the icon on the top right hand side.


EYF School Overview

The Early Years Foundation School Overview report displays academic test results for each of the EYFS 17 areas of learning, giving a percentage to 2 decimal points for each band of 1 - Emerging, 2 - Expected, 3 - Exceeding and 4 - A (Absent)

The percentage is based on results acquired across the full cohort.

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Results are displayed for the academic year the results were gathered from and can be exported into Word, Excel or PDF by clicking onto the icon on the top right hand side.


KS1 Official Results

The KS1 Official Results report produces a table which displays KS1 results for reading, writing, maths, science and speaking and listening. Student's basic details including any special indicators such as FSM and SEN status are tagged.  

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Above the header for each column is a trash icon which allows you to remove the column from the report.

The report can be exported into Word, Excel or PDF by clicking onto the icon on the top right hand side.

There is a blank white cell at the top of each column which can be used to filter, e.g. if you would like to see all pupils with a writing score of 2A, you would type 2A into the filter box and press the enter key. You can also search for pupils below, equal to or above a certain level by using the =, > or < keys. To remove any filter, just delete the conditions from the filter box.

Click on the pupil's surname to view the assessment area in their personal profile. Within this area you can click onto the Statutory Assessments link which will take you to the pupil's full set of results.


KS1 Official Results 2016

This report reflects the changes made to the KS1 assessment reporting.  The report shows results for all teacher assessments and test results.

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Above the header for each column is a trash icon which allows you to remove the column from the report.

The report can be exported into Word, Excel or PDF by clicking onto the icon on the top right hand side.

There is a blank white cell at the top of each column which can be used to filter, e.g. if you would like to see all pupils with a writing score of 2A, you would type 2A into the filter box and press the enter key. You can also search for pupils below, equal to or above a certain level by using the =, > or < keys. To remove any filter, just delete the conditions from the filter box.

Click on the pupil's surname to view the assessment area in their personal profile. Within this area you can click onto the Statutory Assessments link which will take you to the pupil's full set of results.


KS1 Reports To Parents

The KS1 Reports to Parents produces a report per child with results for each of the KS1 statutory assessment areas. Each report has an explanation below the pupil's results to help parents understand their child's data.

Reports can be generated by year group, set or class. 

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The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF by clicking the icon on the top right hand side.

Click on the pupil's surname to view the assessment area in their personal profile. Within this area you can click on the statutory assessments link which will take you to the pupil's full set of results.


KS1 Reports To Parents 2016

The KS1 Reports to Parents produces a report per child with results for each of the KS1 statutory assessment areas. The results have been updated to reflect the changes to the 2016 KS1 reporting arrangements.

Reports can be generated by year group, set or class. 

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The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF by clicking the icon on the top right hand side.

Click on the pupil's surname to view the assessment area in their personal profile. Within this area you can click on the statutory assessments link which will take you to the pupil's full set of results.


KS1 School Overview

The KS1 School Overview report displays the overall school percentage of each level attained per academic year for each statutory assessment area.  You can filter the school results by cohort if you require.

Below the school data table are comparison tables showing national results for the previous two years.


The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF by clicking the icon on the top right hand side.


KS1 to KS2 Progress

After choosing the academic year for results, tables are displayed individually for maths, reading and writing. For each subject area the table shows teacher assessment levels for KS1 followed by KS2 statutory assessment test results, apart from KS2 writing which is teacher assessed.

Only children with KS1 and KS2 results are shown in the data.

The subject data will show for KS1 the amount of children achieving each level and the total.

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The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF by clicking the icon on the top right hand side.


KS2 Official Results

The KS2 Official Results report produces a table which displays KS2 results for reading, writing, maths, science and speaking and listening. It also gives further details in sub sections should you wish to look or analyse the data in more depth.

Student's basic details including any special indicators such as FSM and SEN status are tagged.  

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Above the header for each column is a trash icon which allows you to remove the column from the report.

The report can be exported into Word, Excel or PDF by clicking onto the icon on the top right hand side.

There is a blank white cell at the top of each column which can be used to filter, e.g. if you would like to view all pupils with a writing score of 4, you would type 4 into the filter box and press the enter key.  You can also search for pupils below, equal to or above a certain level by using the =, > or < keys. To remove any filter, just delete the conditions from the filter box.

Click on the pupil's surname to view the assessment area in their personal profile. Within this area you can click onto the statutory assessments link which will take you to the pupil's full set of results.


KS2 School Targets

This report enables you to see and compare by academic year tables showing teacher assessment results, school targets and school test results for english, maths and science.

This report will only populate once both assessment data and results have been entered.

The percentage of pupils per subject at each level is displayed with an explanation of what the levels mean at this stage underneath.

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The report can be exported into Word, Excel or PDF by clicking onto the icon on the top right hand side.


KS2 Reports To Parents

The KS2 Reports to Parents produces a report per child with results for each of the KS2 statutory assessment test and teacher assessment areas. Each report has an explanation below the pupil's results to help parents understand their child's data.

Reports can be generated by year group, set or class. 

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The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF by clicking the icon on the top right hand side.

Click on the pupil's surname to view the assessment area in their personal profile. Within this area you can click onto the statutory assessments link which will take you to the pupil's full set of results.


KS2 School Overview

The KS2 School Overview report displays 2 tables, the first being the chosen academic year's KS2 teacher assessment results and the second showing the KS2 actual test results. These are displayed as percentages at each level across the subject areas. 

Percentages for level 6 tests are calculated based on the number of students sitting the test and not on the whole cohort.

'W' represents pupils who are working towards level 1, but have not yet achieved the standards needed for level 1.
* represents pupils who were not entered for the tests because they were working below level 3 in english, mathematics or science; pupils awarded a compensatory level from the tests and pupils entered for but not achieving a level from the tests.
# pupils working at the levels of the tests, but unable to access them.ScholarPack MIS 2015-02-20 16-04-29 2015-02-20 16-04-31.jpg

The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF by clicking the icon on the top right hand side.


National Results

This report is populated with national results data from the DfE, showing pupils at or above levels 4, 5 and 6 for a chosen academic year and subject.

The report will also show the percentage of pupils nationally achieving 2 levels of progress between KS1 to KS2 in that particular academic year for each subject.

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The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF by clicking the icon on the top right hand side.


Phonics Reports To Parents

This allows you to see and print individual phonics assessment reports including outcomes and numerical marks.

The report can be sorted by academic year, sets and classes.

A list of definitions is provided at the bottom of the page to enable parents to understand their child's achievement in this area.

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The report can be exported to Word, Excel or PDF by clicking the icon on the top right hand side.


School Phonics Reports

The School Phonics Report allows you to see a list of phonics assessment outcomes and numerical marks.

The report can be sorted by academic year, sets and classes.

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A list of definitions is included at the bottom of the page:


  • Wa means the child meets expectations for phonics in children of this age.
  • Wt means the child does not meet expectations for phonics in children of this age.
  • A means the child was absent for the phonics assessment.
  • D means the child was disapplied from the phonics assessment.


KS1 to KS2 Progress Indicator (2016)

This report will compare students KS1 results against the students KS2 (2016) results.

The report will display three table; Mathematics, Reading and Writing.

The Mathematics table will display data based on the KS2 component MAT - MAM - TT - NE and will be compared against the KS1 component MAT - SUB - TA - NF.

The Reading table will display data based on the KS2 component ENG - REM - TT - NE and will be compared against the KS1 component ENG - AT2 - TA - NF.

The Writing table will display data based on the KS2 component ENG - WRI - TA - NC and will be compared against the KS1 component ENG - AT3 - TA - NF.

The tables will only include results for students who have results in KS1 and KS2.

The tables will display the distinct possible results for KS1 and will represent the number and percentage of students who achieved the expected result and those who did not in KS2 against the results the student achieved at KS1.

For example, if x amount of students achieved a 2C at KS1 then the columns will display the number and percentage students who achieved an expected or a below result in KS2.

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Reports using both pre 2016 and post 2016 Statutory results. 

The following reports are to be used for the transition period, where KS1 statutory assessments were taken pre 2016 and KS2 stattutory assessments were post 2016. Current the reports are found within Reporting > Assessment > Statutory Assessment (tab)

KS1 to KS2 Indicator

Legacy KS1 to KS2 Indicator

This is for historic reporting purposed only, as this report will compare students' KS1 (pre 2016) results against the students KS2 (post 2016) results.

The report will display three table; Mathematics, Reading and Writing.

The Mathematics table will display data based on the KS2 component MAT - MAM - TT - NE and will be compared against the KS1 component MAT - SUB - TA - NF.

The Reading table will display data based on the KS2 component ENG - REM - TT - NE and will be compared against the KS1 component ENG - AT2 - TA - NF.

The Writing table will display data based on the KS2 component ENG - WRI - TA - NC and will be compared against the KS1 component ENG - AT3 - TA - NF.

The tables will only include results for students who have results in KS1 and KS2.

The tables will display the distinct possible results for KS1 and will represent the number and percentage of students who achieved the expected result and those who did not in KS2 against the results the student achieved at KS1.

For example, if x amount of students achieved a 2C at KS1 then the columns will display the number and percentage students who achieved an expected or a below result in KS2.

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KS1 to KS2 Progress Measure

This is for historic reporting purposed only. This report looks at KS1 results under the pre 2016 assessment process and compares them with the post 2016 KS2 results and calculates progress in reading, writing and maths.  It will calculate an overall school average for each of the 3 subject areas to allow schools to use the DfE guidance as set out in the Primary School Accountability in 2016.  A link to the guidance document is found here:  Primary School Accountability in 2016

The initial stage is to select the academic year of interest to view the report.  There is also a cohort filter to allow comparisons with specific groups within the school.


The report shows the KS1 results converted to the new assessment system using the guidance form the DfE document and is summarised below: 

The KS1 results are first converted to Point Score Equivalent.

National curriculum teacher assessment level Point score equivalent
Level 4 27
Level 3 21
Level 2A 17
Level 2B 15
Level 2C 13
Level 1 9

An average score is then calculated using the following formula.

REA + WRI /2 then add to the MAT and divide the new total by 2.

This average figure is then used with the table(s) below to give an expected score for each subject.

 Academic Year 2019


These figures are then compared with the actual results for KS2 and the difference between predicted and actual is calculated.  A school’s progress scores in English reading, English writing and mathematics are calculated as the average of its pupils’ subject progress scores. These scores give an indication of whether, as a group, pupils in the school made above or below average progress in a subject compared with pupils with similar starting points in other schools. 

KS2 Predictions

This is for historic reporting purposed only. The predictions report will take KS1 results from pre 2016 statutory assessments and convert them using the DfE guidance to show the result you would expect under the new system for each student in reading, writing and maths at KS2.  It uses the same conversion guide as the KS1 to KS2 progress measure. 


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