The majority of the assessment reports work based on age related expectation unless specified in the report details below.
See: STEPS Assessment Scoring System for what students are expected to achieve for each checkpoint and year when using the Steps Assessment System.
Report Name | Attainment | Progress | Targets | By Student | By Cohort | Graphical |
By Student |
Checkpoints |
Checkpoint Multi-Subject |
Checkpoints R/W/M |
Graphical Comparisons |
Graphical Tracker |
Standard Ontrack * |
Extended Ontrack * |
Ontrack by Checkpoints * |
Ontrack by Cohorts * |
Ontrack REA/WRI/MAT Combined * |
Predictions |
Progress Between 2 Checkpoints |
Progress Between 3 Checkpoints |
Progress Tracker |
School Overview |
Simple Tracker |
School Statistical Overview |
Steps Scorecard |
Progress Towards Yearly Targets |
Subject Comparisons |
Targets and Gaps to Targets |
Tracker |
Transition Matrix |
Year on Year |
*See 'Ontrack Reports' tile to access the four ontrack reports.
New Filters
There are a new set of filters which offer much more flexibility in choosing a cohort of students to analyse. The above shows the standard set of filters. However, the mandatory filters will change depending on the type of report you have selected. Furthermore, no filter should be left blank or the report will not run. If a filter does not apply to your preferences then you should leave it set to ‘All’.
If you are looking to analyse historical data then you will need to choose the year the student is in now and the curriculum year the results were recorded.
ScholarPack has built filters that allow you to choose 2 group sets, with these two group sets you can:
- AND IN: select students who are only in both group sets
- AND NOT IN: select students from group 1 who are not in group 2
- ADDED TO: This will include students from both group sets
When you hit 'choose' the filters will hide. To bring the them back again press the button in the top right corner and this will show/hide the filters.
The new filters are currently on the following reports:
By Student
Checkpoints Multi-Subject
Checkpoints REA/WRI/MAT
Graphical Comparisons
Graphical Tracker
Progress Between 2 Checkpoints
Progress Between 3 Checkpoints
Progress Towards Yearly Targets
Progress Tracker
School Overview
School Statistical Overview
Simple Tracker
By Student Report
This report will reflect every aspect of the student's assessment data (each current checkpoint and previous year CP6 data) for each subject and in addition will show the student's targets, both Estimates and Aspirational.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
Checkpoints for Year
This shows the student's checkpoint 6 data from the previous year. This report will reflect both Steps and Levels. In addition this row will also show the student's target for the year (this is defaulted to age expectation and is shown as a Step), the overall amount of points they have made between CP6 from the previous year and the Step at the latest checkpoint entered this year. The change shows the amount of points they have made from the previous checkpoint.
Please note: Aggregate scores (points) are assigned to each Step to allow ScholarPack to measure student progress. Please ask ScholarPack if you would like information on what aggregate score is mapped to which Step and Level.
This shows the student's CP6 Levels for all previous years they have been in the school (on the condition that data has been entered). The history will show both Steps and Levels and will also reflect how many points are assigned to that Step/Level.
This shows the student's End of Key Stage Target and End of Year Target as both points and Steps (unless changed, targets will default to age related expectations). Targets will also show how many points the student is away from their expected Step at the current point in time.
Aspirational Targets
This shows the target agreed between the teacher and student and is reflected in the exact same way to that of the previous row (targets).
Both sets of targets can be amended in Admin > Students > Targets.
Please note: All colours shown are reflecting where the student is in comparison to their age related expectation (see scale at the top of the report - numbers represent Steps not points).
Checkpoints Report
The report displays each student's assessment results for each checkpoint including their target. You will be able to see the change in points between each checkpoint in addition to the overall progress made since the start of the year (uses CP6 data from previous year as a potential baseline unless checkpoint BL is used in the current year). The year start Step will be reflected in the start column.
The attendance column in the report relates to the children's current academic year, (in previous years also).
The EYFS column shows the statutory EYFS outcome.
The KS1 (Steps) column shows the internal steps outcome for KS1.
The KS1 (Statutory) column shows the statutory KS1 outcome.
The report will then group these students in a summary table at the bottom of the report to show how well each cohort is doing. The summary will show the change between each checkpoint for all groups in addition to the overall change.
You can also add static and dynamic groups which have been created through the Data Digger into the summary table.
Please note: The colour represents if the student was working at age related expectation at that time, please use the scale to identify the colour each student has (the numbers in the scale at the top of the report represent how many Steps they are behind or in front of age related expectation (Secure is at age related expectation).
As default, students are expected to make 1 point of progress between each checkpoint and 6 points across the year.
The average points in the summary table are calculated by adding all the students' points (Steps) then dividing this number by the amount of students who have data entered for that checkpoint.
The average points for a cohort's progress is shown in the change column and is calculated by using the points average for the previous checkpoint then subtracting the value from the current checkpoint's points average.
Please note: Students who did not have a Step or a Level in the previous checkpoint will not be used in the calculation of the change column. Students will also not be calculated in the overall progress if no baseline data has been entered.
You can add Dynamic or Static groups created to the summary table by selecting from the drop down the group of interest and their data will be added to the table.
Finally, the Summary of Students will tell what number and percentage of the cohort are FSM, Pupil Premium etc.
Creating a static/intervention group
To create a static and/or intervention group in the checkpoints report first use the filters at the top of each column.
Once you have chosen your required filters you will then see all of the children who match your chosen requirements. Above I have chosen F for females and 3C3, their form group.
You will then need to enter a group name at the top of the screen and click Make Static Group from Filter or Make Intervention Group from Filter, depending on which group you require. This will then add the children displayed in your table into the group you have selected.
Static groups can be chosen on all assessment reports and intervention groups can be viewed in the Interventions module (Workspace > Interventions).
Checkpoint Multi-Subject Report
This report allows you to analyse student and group attainment across multiple sets and subjects.
You can compare the average progress against multiple subjects and sets to see which subject and set is performing the best.
Each table will show the student's name, their Step at your chosen checkpoint, the Steps equivalent to points and how many points they have changed from the selected previous checkpoint.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
The Step and point will be reflected with a colour and will represent if the student is working at age related expectation at the time of your chosen checkpoint.
The change reflects the student's progress; a student is expected to make 1 Step progress at each checkpoint (6 Steps a year). If a student has made 1 Step progress or above then the colour will reflect green.
The average points in the summary table are calculated by adding all the students' points (Steps) then dividing this number by the amount of students who have data entered for that checkpoint.
The average points for a cohort's progress is shown in the change column and is calculated by using the points average for the previous checkpoint then subtracting the value from the current checkpoint's points average.
Please note: Students who did not have a Step or a Level in the checkpoint(s) selected will not be used in the calculation of the average progress results. Students will also not be calculated in the overall progress if no baseline data has been entered.
Checkpoints REA/WRI/MAT Combined Report
This report calculates the average step per student at each checkpoint for Reading, Writing and Maths. For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
For an example of how an average is calculated take the following Year 2 student's marks at CP1:
Reading | Writing | Mathematics | Average | ||||
Score | Step | Score | Step | Score | Step | Score | Step |
30 | 2:6 | 31 | 3:1 | 29 | 2:5 | 30 | 2:6 |
And the same student's marks at CP2:
Reading | Writing | Mathematics | Average | ||||
Score | Step | Score | Step | Score | Step | Score | Step |
31 | 3:1 | 33 | 3:3 | 30 | 2:6 | 31 | 3:1 |
This will therefore produce the following result:
The report also shows progress between each checkpoint where data has been collected and shows overall progress from CP6 at the previous year (if BL is not provided). It will also give aspect details and attendance for each student.
Please note that the aggregates table works the same as the above example, but instead takes an average of REA/WRI/MAT marks by each cohort (For example: average, girls, EAL). However please be aware that the aggregates table will only show ‘change’ for those students who have data at both checkpoints from which change is measured.
Be aware that if there is data missing in any of the subjects the average will be calculated from only the subjects that have data. So in order to use this report accurately please ensure that each student does have data in all three subjects.
Tracker Report
This report will display the number and percentage of students who are working at Emerging, Developing, Secure and Exceeding against age related expectation based on the checkpoint you have chosen.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
The student's name will be highlighted in a colour which represents if they are on track against their End of Key Stage target.
The first Step against the student's name reflects the Step that they have achieved at the checkpoint selected. The second Step represents the student's End of Key Stage target.
At the bottom of each column you will see the total number of students and that cohort's percentage. The percentage is worked out based on the number of students in the chosen cohort.
Graphical Comparisons Report
This report will show a year groups overall performance since the start of the year by a subject. The report will reflect the groups performance in either a Line, Column or Bar chart (of your choosing).
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
You can choose to toggle on and off whether to reflect cohorts of that year group in the chart also by clicking on the name of the cohort to right of the chart.
If you hover over the chart the report will reflect the aggregate score the cohort achieved at that point in time.
At the bottom of the chart you will see a table that reflects what the group should be achieving (in terms of an aggregate score) at each checkpoint.
Graphical Tracker Report
This report will reflect the number of students who are emerging, developing, secure and exceeding for multiple subjects as a bar chart. For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
Hover over the bar to find the exact number of students who are working at that position, if you click on the bar chart a new page will load and display data in a tabular format (almost identical to the checkpoints report), here you can create static group of those students.
Ontrack Reports
When you click the 'Ontrack Reports' tile you will see the following page.
From here you can choose which ontrack report you would like to run. When you press 'choose' it will hide this drop down box and bring up the filters for the chosen report. If you wish to choose another ontrack report press the button in the top right-hand corner to show/hide this drop down box. Once you have chosen your new report press choose and it will load the filters for the new report.
For further information about the Ontrack Reports click the information button (i) on the 'Ontrack Reports' page.
A) Standard Ontrack Report
This report will reflect the number and percentage of students who are ‘Working Below’, ‘Expected’ or ‘Exceeding’ against the chosen checkpoint for Reading, Writing, Mathematics and any other subjects that you are using.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
If you are using Simple Assessment this report will show ‘Below’, ‘At and Above’, and ‘Above’ instead of ‘Working Below’, ‘Expected’ and ‘Exceeding’. | |
If you are using the ‘Secure Only’ feature then this report will notinclude -1 secure as secure. | |
Please note that you can configure the above options under Admin -> Config -> New Assessment Config. |
This ontrack report calculates those who are on track using age related expectations. For example, those who are ontrack for secure are labelled ‘Expected’.
The exact same applies if you are using simple assessment. For example, if a student is marked as ‘Below’ in the markbook for checkpoint 3 then they will appear in the ‘Below’ column on the report when choosing checkpoint 3.
To get which students are in each cell then click into the cell and it will bring up a box with a list of those students.
If the report is run using a previous academic year, please be aware that the report will show year groups as they were in the chosen academic year. For example, if you choose the previous academic year and year group 5, then the report will show year 4 as to reflect that group’s previous data.
Please note that this report calculates percentages based upon students who have marks, it does not include students who do not have marks. Furthermore the 'Below' and 'Expected' columns will add up to 100%.
B) Extended Ontrack Report
This report will display the percentage of students who are either Emerging, Developing, Secure or Exceeding at each checkpoint for all subjects.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
To get which students are in each cell then click into the cell and it will bring up a box with a list of those students.
If the report is run using a previous academic year, please be aware that the report will show year groups as they were in the chosen academic year. For example, if you choose the previous academic year and year group 5, then the report will show year 4 as to reflect that group’s previous data.
% Emerging = Students who are working 6 or more points behind their age related expectation.
% Developing = Students who are working between 2 and 5 points behind their age related expectation.
% Secure = Students who are working at or one point behind their age related expectation.
% Exceeding = Students who are working 1 or more points above their age related expectation.
If you are using the ‘Secure Only’ feature then this report will notinclude -1 secure as secure. | |
Please note that you can configure the above option under Admin -> Config -> New Assessment Config. |
Please note that this report calculates percentages based upon students who have marks, it does not include students who do not have marks.
C) Ontrack by Checkpoint Report
This report will display the number and percentage of students who are secure at each checkpoint broken down by year group.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
This report will only visually reflect students who are at -1 Secure and above for each checkpoint. However if you click into a cell you can see students who are below.
If you are using the ‘Secure Only’ feature then this report will not include -1 secure as secure. | |
Please note that you can configure the above option under Admin -> Config -> New Assessment Config. |
The colour of the cell indicates how far ahead of Secure (using an average) that group of students are, please use the scale at the top of the page as an indication.
To get which students are in each cell then click into the cell and it will bring up a box with a list of those students. This will display the students who are secure in that cell, but also those who are below
Please note that this report calculates percentages based upon students who have marks, it does not include students who do not have marks.
D) Ontrack by Cohorts Report
This report will reflect the number and percentage of students who are ‘Working Below’, ‘Expected’ or ‘Exceeding’ against the chosen checkpoint for the chosen subject. Each row reflects its respective cohort.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
If you are using the ‘Secure Only’ feature then this report will notinclude -1 secure as secure. | |
Please note that you can configure the above option under Admin -> Config -> New Assessment Config. |
To get which students are in each cell then click into the cell and it will bring up a box with a list of those students.
Please note that this report calculates percentages based upon students who have marks, it does not include students who do not have marks.
E) Ontrack REA/WRI/MAT Combined Report
This report will reflect the number and percentage of students who are ‘Working Below’, ‘Expected’ or ‘Exceeding’ against the chosen checkpoint for Reading, Writing, Mathematics combined.
This works by finding those students who are secure according to age related expectations for reading, writing and mathematics. Only if the student is secure in each subject at the chosen checkpoint will they appear in the ‘Expected’ column. Take the following two examples:
Student X (Year 2 CP1) | Step | Raw Score |
Reading | 2:2 | 26 |
Writing | 2:1 | 25 |
Mathematics | 1:4 | 22 |
1:6 | Rounded Average = 24 |
Student Y (Year 2 CP1) | Step | Raw Score |
Reading | 2:3 | 27 |
Writing | 2:1 | 25 |
Mathematics | 2:1 | 25 |
2:2 | Rounded Average = 26 |
Even though Student X is an average of ‘Sec -1’ at Year 2 CP1 (1:6) they will appear in the below column because they are not secure in mathematics. However, Student Y is at least secure in all three areas so they will fall in the expected column. Similarly, in order for Student Y to fall in the exceeding column they must be exceeding in all three subjects.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
If you are using Simple Assessment this report will show ‘Below’, ‘At and Above’, and ‘Above’ instead of ‘Working Below’, ‘Expected’, and ‘Exceeding’ | |
If you are using the ‘Secure Only’ feature then this report will not include -1 secure as secure. | |
Please note that you can configure the above options under Admin -> Config -> New Assessment Config. |
To display which students are in each cell, click into the cell and it will bring up a box with a list of those students.
If the report is run using a previous academic year, please be aware that the report will show year groups as they were in the chosen academic year. For example, if you choose the previous academic year and year group 5, then the report will show year 4 as to reflect that group’s previous data.
Please note that this report calculates percentages upon students who have marks. It does not include students who do not have marks. Furthermore, the ‘Below’ and ‘Expected’ columns will add up to 100%, with any students above age related appearing as an additional percentage in ‘Exceeding’.
This report will show the student's most recent Step and predicts the student's expected Step at the end of each subsequent year. Students are expected to make 6 Steps per year.
The Steps per year allows you to change the expected amount of Steps you think the student should be making each year.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide. Once you have chosen the filters the following will be display:
Once you have chosen your filters your data will be displayed.
The report predicts the student's expected Step for each of the subsequent years by adding on 6 Steps (this will change depending on what you have set the expected Steps to be).
However, for the current year the prediction is different. The report locates at which checkpoint the student's current Step has been taken from and then determines how many more Steps they need to make (based on your expected Steps per year).
For example, (based on 6 Steps per year) if the current Step is taken from:
Checkpoint 1: Add 5 Steps to predict the current end of year target
Checkpoint 2: Add 4 Steps to predict the current end of year target
Checkpoint 3: Add 3 Steps to predict the current end of year target
Checkpoint 4: Add 2 Steps to predict the current end of year target
Checkpoint 5: Add 1 Step to predict the current end of year target
Checkpoint 6: Add 0 Steps to predict the current end of year target
Please note that because ‘Year 1’ cannot use Early Years data it will use the ‘BL’ checkpoint to calculate a prediction. Please ensure that this is set if you are looking at predictions for ‘Year 1’ students. _________________________________________________________
Progress Between 2 Checkpoints Report
This report displays and measures the student's progress that has been made across 2 points in time (two different checkpoints). You can choose the checkpoints you wish to measure progress to and from as part of the filters.
For a general overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
Each checkpoint is represented by two columns, a 'Step' column, and a 'Points' column that shows the points that represent that step (e.g. A step of 3:5 is represented by 35 points).
The colour coding represents the student's progress against age related expectation. A student is expected to make 6 Steps per year and students will be green if they have made at least 1 Step progress across each checkpoint.
Please see the scale below as a reference.
Progress Between 3 Checkpoints Report
The report measures the progress each student has made between the first and second checkpoint, the second and third checkpoint and the first and third checkpoint. You can choose the checkpoints you wish to measure progress to and from as part of the filters.
For a general overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
Each checkpoint is represented by two columns, a 'Step' column, and a 'Points' column that shows the points that represent that step (e.g. A step of 2:3 is represented by 28 points).
The first 'Diff' column shows the points progress between 'Checkpoint 1' and 'Checkpoint 2'. The second 'Diff' column shows the points progress between 'Checkpoint 2' and 'Checkpoint 3'.
Finally the 'Overall Diff' column shows the progress from 'Checkpoint 1' to 'Checkpoint 3'.
The overall colour coding will reflect if the student is making adequate age related progress between the first and third checkpoint. See the scale below.
School Overview Report
This report reflects by subject and year the overall attainment and progress the group has made since the start of the year in a tabular format.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
Please note that this report can be run for each cohort (e.g. Girls, FSM) by choosing from the 'Cohorts' filter dropdown.
The following columns represent:
Overall from CP6: this shows the average points (steps) progress made since checkpoint 6 from the previous year to now.
Overall from BL: this shows the average points (steps) progress made since the baseline checkpoint at the start of the year.
Start CP6: this shows the average aggregate score attained for each cohort at checkpoint 6 from the previous year.
Start BL: this shows the average aggregate score attained for each cohort from baseline at the start of the year.
Change: this represents the progress in points (steps) that the cohort has made since the previous checkpoint.
Please note, the checkpoints column will show an average of all students in the cohort and will include students with missing data. The 'change' column will only show change for pupils with matched data, so only pupils with an assessment mark in both checkpoints will be included in this calculation. This will mean that if you have missing pupil data the change amount may not add up to the difference between the two checkpoint averages.
Each Step has an aggregate score, See: Assessment Scoring System for more information.
The bottom table shows the average points (steps) progress made between each year. The ‘Year’ Column shows the year the students are in for the chosen academic year. If you choose a previous academic year it will show the year groups as they were at the time.
Each row shows year on year progress, so the following columns represent:
Year 1 Points: This shows the average points at Year 1 for the specific row. So if the row is for Year 6 then ‘Year 1 Points’ will show the average points of current Year 6 students when they were in Year 1.
Year 2 Points: This shows the average points at Year 2 for the specific row.
Change Y1 to Y2: This measures the difference between the maximum average score from Y1 and the maximum average score from Y2.
Across KS1: This the total change between Y1 and Y2.
Year 3 Points: This shows the average points at Year 3 for the specific row.
Change Y2 to Y3: This measures the difference between the maximum average score from Y2 and the maximum average score from Y3.
Year 4 Points: This shows the average points at Year 4 for the specific row.
Change Y3 to Y4: This measures the difference between the maximum average score from Y3 and the maximum average score from Y4.
Y2-Y4: This measures the total change made from Y2 to Y4, meaning the change from Y2 to Y3, and the change from Y3 to Y4.
Year 5 Points: This shows the average points at Year 5 for the specific row.
Change Y4 to Y5: This measures the difference between the maximum average score from Y4 and the maximum average score from Y5.
Year 6 Points: This shows the average points at Year 6 for the specific row.
Change Y5 to Y6: This measures the difference between the maximum average score from Y5 and the maximum average score from Y6.
Across KS1: This the total change between Y3 and Y6.
Simple Tracker Report
This report reflects the number of students who are working at Emerging, Developing, Secure and Exceeding based on the subject, year and checkpoint you have chosen.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
If you are using the ‘Secure Only’ feature then this report will only include secure in the secure column. | |
Please note that you can configure the above options under Admin -> Config -> New Assessment Config. |
In this report secure is defined as the following: -1 secure, secure and secure +1.
Both estimated and aspirational targets need to be set in order for this report to work.
The student’s name will be highlighted in a colour which represents if they are on track against the specified target. The target can be specified as being ‘Estimated’ or ‘Aspirational’ and ‘End of Key Stage’ or ‘End of Year’ (see the toggles above the report).
Please be aware that the column a student appears in is based upon age related expectations, not the targets.
The first step against the student’s name reflects the ‘step’ they have achieved at the checkpoint selected. The second ‘step’ in brackets represents the specified target.
At the bottom of each column you will see the total number of students and that cohort's percentage, the percentage is worked out based on the number of students in the chosen cohort.
There is also a summary of each special cohort within the school and their percentage in each assessment band.
The summary will show 3 separate figures in each column that there is data added.
Special Cohorts – number
An overall raw score of the amount of children in the chosen cohort.
Special Cohorts - % cohort
This figure shows the percentage of children in that particular area of emerging, developing, secure or exceeding, that are in the chosen cohort e.g girls, boys, SEN. This percentage will only include students who are analysed in the above table (those that have marks and targets).
Special cohorts - % whole
This figure shows the percentage of children of the overall chosen group, respective to the row and column. This percentage will include students even if they don’t have a mark/target.
Please see below as an example - this table is displayed at the bottom of a Year 5 report:
Take for example the 'Girls' cohort - the first column, 'Emerging' shows 3 figures, 14 66.67% and 33.33%
The 14 is the amount of girls in the whole group chosen that are 'emerging', which in this case is Year 5.
The 66.67% is saying that 14 of the 21 girls in the class are 'emerging'. (14/21)
The 33.33% is saying that 14 of the 'whole' group (in this case Year 5) which is 42 pupils overall are emerging. (14/42)
School Statistical Overview Report
The report shows where the students (as a percentage across every group) are currently positioned in the school in comparison to age related expectations across all subjects.
The filter ‘Add Special Groups’ in this report allows you to append a row to the report for that group. Please note that if you are on a Windows computer, in order to deselect a group hold the ‘Ctrl’ key and left-click on the group you’d like to deselect.
The Secure TOTAL column at the end of the report calculates secure to include students who are both -1 secure and secure. *
This report is not designed for Simple Assessment, however if you are using Simple Assessment then the columns ‘Emerging Minus 6’, ‘Secure’ and ‘Exceeding Plus 6’ will give you the percentages respective to ‘Below’, ‘At’ and ‘Above’. | |
* If you are using the ‘Secure Only’ feature then this report will not include -1 secure as secure. | |
Please note that you can configure the above options under Admin -> Config -> New Assessment Config. |
To identify the students that represent the percentage click on the number and a box will appear with the student names inside.
Progress Towards Yearly Targets Report
This report displays in a graphical format as a percentage how far away a student is from achieving their end of year target.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
The student's latest Step is reflected to the left of their name and the student's End of Year Target is reflected to the right of their name.
The student's most recent Level will be colour coded to indicate where they are in relation to their target.
Subject Comparisons Report
This reports shows a groups attainment against where they should be at a point time for multiple subjects.
The black line represents the expected step/score the group should be achieving at that point in time, hover of the bar to show the aggregate score that group has achieved or the line to see the aggregate score that should be achieved.
Below is a table that represents the aggregate score that should be achieved for all year groups against different checkpoints.
Targets and Gaps to Targets Report
This report will show each of the student's End of Key Stage and End of Year Target and how many Steps away the students are from reaching their targets.
There are two types of targets you can set in ScholarPack, Estimates and Aspirational. Estimates are targets that are set by the teachers, Aspirational are targets set by the student and the teacher. On this report you can toggle between the two by selecting or de-selecting Aspirational targets from the filters.
Once you have chosen your filters your data will appear.
Steps to Current Target calculates what the students should achieve at this checkpoint in time and how many Steps they are away from meeting their present expected Step.
Steps to Target calculates how many Steps the students are away from reaching their End of Key Stage and End of Year targets.
The colour of the Step represents if the student is working at age related expectation at your chosen checkpoint.
Transition Matrix Report
This report will show you where the students are in relation to age expectation within a transition matrix.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
The start column will represent the data selected from your first checkpoint.
The column the student is represented in will reflect where they are in relation to age expectation (at the 2nd checkpoint chosen).
The student's name will be highlighted in a colour which represents if they are on track against their End of Key Stage target.
The first Step against the student's name reflects the Step they have achieved at the checkpoint selected. The second Step represents the student's End of Key Stage target.
At the bottom of each column you will see the total number of students and that cohort's percentage. The percentage is worked out based on the number of students in the cohort chosen.
Students will only be included in the report if they have assessment data recorded in both chosen checkpoints.
Year on Year Report
This report shows the student's end of year assessment data for all previous years and the change (progress) they have made at the end of each year and across KS1 and KS2. The report also reflects a summary of progress made for different groups.
(This report will also work if you have historical Levels instead of Steps)
Student Steps and Levels are colour coded to represent if the student is working at age related progress - see the scale at the top of the report.
The average points in the summary table are calculated by adding all the students' points (Steps) then dividing this number by the amount of students who have data entered for that checkpoint.
The average points for the cohort's progress is shown in the change column and is calculated by using the points average for the previous year then subtracting the value from the current year point average.
Please note: Students who did not have a Step or a Level in the previous year will not be used in the calculation of the average progress results. Students will also not be calculated in the overall progress if no baseline data has been entered.
NOTE: The EYFS (Outcomes) and KS1 (Statutory) columns both relate to Statutory Assessment marks.
Progress Tracker Report
This report will display the amount of progress each student has made within the chosen selected period. Please be aware if a student does not have a starting value and an end value then the report will not be able to calculate their progress and the student(s) will not be displayed. In addition both estimated and aspirational targets will need to be set.
For an overview of the filters on this report please refer to the New Filters section of this guide.
Once you have selected your filters and pressed ‘Choose’ a table will appear. The column headers will display points to indicate how many Steps the student(s) have made from the chosen ‘Checkpoint 1’ value to the ‘Checkpoint 2’ value.
Next to the student's name you will see a Step value, this reflects the students 'Checkpoint 2 value', in addition the students aspects will also be displayed.
The student’s name will be highlighted in a colour which represents if they are on track against the specified target. The target can be specified as being ‘Estimated’ or ‘Aspirational’ and ‘End of Key Stage’ or ‘End of Year’ (see the toggles above the report).
Each students name will reflect a colour which will indicate if they are on track against age their set target by using their checkpoint 2 value.
At the bottom of each column (if student are displayed) a count along with a percentage will be displayed. The percentage is calculated using the number of students who have made x amount of points against your chosen group. Please note this report does not include former students in its calculations.