Setting up the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFS) Framework

Some ScholarPack schools were early adopters of the new curriculum and we have worked closely with this cohort to define how we set up the new framework in our new and updated Simple Assessment module. This guide will explain the changes and what you need to do to set up both summative and formative assessment markbooks. 

Do I need to use/purchase the ScholarPack Assessment module to record EYFS data against the new statutory framework? 

Yes, you can only record data if you purchase the ScholarPack Assessment module and it is only available via our Simple Assessment module. 

If you are unsure as to whether or not you have access to the Simple Assessment module please go to "My Subjects". If you have access to the Simple Assessment module you will see the "Simple Assessment Markbook" button: 


If you do not have access to this module please contact our Account Management team - click Contact Us in the top right of the Help Centre and select Contact my Account Manager.


Setting up summative markbooks for the new EYFS Profile 

Note, this step can only be completed by those who have admin access to ScholarPack. 

There are 3 template schemes available to use within the new EYFS framework: 

  • EYFS - Early Learning Goals
  • EYFS - Areas of Learning and Development
  • Birth to 5 Matters

Go to Admin > Config > Simple Assessment Config > Add Assessment


Setting up summative markbooks following the Birth to 5 Matters scheme 

From the "Assessment Template" drop down menu and choose "Birth to 5 Matters"

From the "Mark Scheme" drop down menu, choose "Birth to 5 Matters Ranges"

sa_birth to 5.jpg

Next, click "Configure Assessment": 


Name: Rename your scheme (optional) 


Annual checkpoints: Choose how often you'd like to record summative data. For example, if you'd like to record a baseline plus termly assessments, choose the "4 checkpoints" option. 

Note, this cannot be changed once assessment marks have been entered. 


Subjects: Choose the subjects for which you'd like to record summative assessments against by ticking the relevant box. For example, select all within the "EYFS - Birth to 5 Matters" section. Click on the "v" and "<" arrows to minimise and maximise subject options. 


Note, once a subject has been added to a scheme and assessment marks have been entered it cannot be removed however new subjects can be added at a later date by editing the scheme. If in doubt do not add a subject and add at a later stage if required! 

Mark Scheme: Customise summative scores (optional). You can remove or add new mark types, rename existing mark types, update values and choose reporting bands. Reporting bands allow you to group mark types to limit the number of columns returned in a report at the click of a button, whilst still giving you the option to drill down into your data. If you need to add a reporting band, see "attainment reporting bands" below. 

Note, once a mark scheme has been added to a scheme and assessment marks have been entered it cannot be changed. 


Attainment reporting bands: Assign colours to reporting bands and add new reporting bands if required (optional). 

sa_report bands.jpg


Progress reporting bands: Choose how progress is shown across reports and assign colours (optional). 

sa_progress report bands.jpg


Finally, click "Add Assessment". You are now ready to record data in your EYFS summative markbooks. 


Setting up summative markbooks following Early Learning Goals or Areas of Learning Development schemes 

From the "Assessment Template" drop down menu and choose "EYFS Schemes"

From the "Mark Scheme" drop down menu, choose "EYFS Age Groups - 12 Steps"

eyfs schemes.jpg

Next, click "Configure Assessment": 


Name: Rename your scheme (optional) 

Annual checkpoints: Choose how often you'd like to record summative data. For example, if you'd like to record a baseline plus termly assessments, choose the "4 checkpoints" option. 

Note, this cannot be changed once assessment marks have been entered. 

eyfs schemes checkpoints.jpg

Subjects: Choose the subjects for which you'd like to record summative assessments against by ticking the relevant box. For example, select all within the "EYFS - Early Learning Goals" or "EYFS - Areas of Learning and Development" section. Click on the "v" and "<" arrows to minimise and maximise subject options. 

eyfs subjects.jpg

Note, once a subject has been added to a scheme and assessment marks have been entered it cannot be removed however new subjects can be added at a later date by editing the scheme. If in doubt do not add a subject and add at a later stage if required! 

Mark Scheme: Customise summative scores (optional). You can remove or add new mark types, rename existing mark types, update values and choose reporting bands. Reporting bands allow you to group mark types to limit the number of columns returned in a report at the click of a button, whilst still giving you the option to drill down into your data. If you need to add a reporting band, see "attainment reporting bands" below. 

Note, once a mark scheme has been added to a scheme and assessment marks have been entered it cannot be changed. 

Attainment reporting bands: Assign colours to reporting bands and add new reporting bands if required (optional). 

Progress reporting bands: Choose how progress is shown across reports and assign colours (optional). 

Finally, click "Add Assessment". You are now ready to record data in your EYFS summative markbooks. 


Recording data in the EYFS summative markbook 

Markbooks can be accessed by those with the "teacher" or "HLTA" access role in ScholarPack. 

Go to My Subjects > Simple Assessment Markbook (first option) 

Assessment: Select the assessment scheme for which you'd like to enter data against 

Subject: Select the subject within the assessment scheme for which you'd like to enter data against. If you'd like to record data against all subjects in the same screen, leave as "All subjects"

Year group: Select the relevant year group 

Class/group: Select the relevant class group. If left as "all classes" all pupils in the specified year group will display in the markbook

Academic year: The markbook will default to the current academic year

Checkpoint: The markbook will default to the current checkpoint 



Click  "Load markbook"

Simply choose the relevant mark for each pupil from the drop down menu. Data is saved automatically. 

If you'd like to flood fill the markbook with a particular mark, select the relevant score from the "Fill gaps" drop down menu (first row in the markbook). All gaps in that checkpoint will then be automatically filled with the chosen score.  

Example of a markbook when a single subject is chosen. This view shows all checkpoints in an academic year: 

markbook single.jpg


Example of a markbook when all subjects are chosen: 

markbook muliple.jpg

Recording formative assessments for the new EYFS Framework (optional) 

Our Early Years formative assessment statements are based on the observation checkpoints in Development Matters and the expected level of development criteria from the Early Learning Goals. We’ve mapped the checkpoints to academic year groups as shown below, but you can change these mappings.


Year Group

Source of statements

Reception  (0)

Early Learning Goals expected level of development criteria


Around the age of 4


Around the age of 3


Around the age of 2


12 - 18 months


Formative assessments can be recorded no more than half termly. There is no link to the summative area. If you would like to change the EYFS formative statements you can do so via Admin > Config > Formative Assessment Statements (for example to remove statements in relation to birth - 1 year old).  See section below for more detail. 


Editing EYFS formative statements 

Note, this step can only be completed by those who have admin access to ScholarPack. 

Go to Admin > Config > Formative Assessment Statements 

Subject: Select "Development Matters" 

Component: Select "All" or relevant area 

Click "Choose" 

formative dev matters choose screen.jpg

If you'd like to delete a statement or amend a statement click "Edit" and update the text or delete as appropriate. 

formative dev matters open screen.jpg


Setting up formative markbooks for the new EYFS Framework

Note, this step can only be completed by those who have admin access to ScholarPack. 

Before recording formative assessments in ScholarPack you need to set up "classes". 

Go to Admin > Classes 

1. Creating the formative markbook: 

Year: Select the relevant year group (for example Reception or Nursery)

Group: Select the relevant class/form group  

Subject: Select "Development Matters" 

create classes dev matters.jpg

Click "Add New Class

2. Adding pupils to the formative markbook

To do this click on the "Add Students to Class" tab

create classes dev matters add students.jpg

Select the relevant year group (reception will be "0") 

Select the relevant form group

Select the Development Matters markbook (this will end in "DM2") 

Select "Check All' to add all pupils to the markbook or select individual pupils if required 

Click "Save Classes" (scroll to the bottom of the screen) 


3. Adding Teachers to the formative markbook 

To do this click on the "Add Teachers to Class" tab

create classes dev matters add teachers.jpg

Teacher: Select the relevant teacher from the drop down menu 

Year: Select the relevant year group (reception or nursery) 

Click "Choose

Select and tick the relevant Development Matters markbook. 

create classes dev matters add teachers 2.jpg

Markbook allocations are saved automatically. Multiple teachers can be added to the same markbook. 


Repeat steps 1 - 3 to set up formative markbooks for different classes. 


Recording data in the EYFS formative markbook 

Markbooks can be accessed by those with the "teacher" access role in ScholarPack. 

Go to My Subjects > Select the relevant class (this will end in DM2) > Formative Markbook 

Choose how you'd like to view the formative markbook: 

Component: Choose the area of the EYFS framework in which you'd like to add formative assessments 

Current Checkpoint: ScholarPack will automatically default to the relevant point in the academic year. 

Students: view "all students", student groups or individual pupils 

Click "Choose"

formative markbook.jpg

Statements are shown down the left hand side of the screen, pupil names are shown across the top. 

To add formative data, click in a cell against a pupil (i.e where it says "start") - one click moves a pupil through each stage - emerging, developing, secure and exceeding. 

Marks are saved automatically. 

Icons explained: 

formative unlock markbook.jpg

Once clicked the padlock icon will allow you to change a result from Exceeding back to Start if required.


formative show statement details  markbook.jpg

 Once clicked, a pop up box will display showing you the entire text of the statement.

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