1. Absences
Staff absences can only be added and edited by those members of staff with HR access. Staff absences are then available to view as a report in Reporting > Reports > Staff Absences.
To add a new absence click on the cog wheel in the toolbar.
Choose the date range, the absence category and the contract to which the absence applies, then select Insert.
If your first day of absence and last day of absence is on the same day a time period option will display, allowing you to choose an AM or PM session, or alternatively both.
This absence will then be inserted into the main staff attendance table found in Admin > Personnel > Manage Staff Attendances.
If your period of absence crosses over with a holiday, the sessions column will indicate how many sessions were taken during term time and how many sessions were taken out of term time.
2. Contract Info
Staff contracts are stored in the staff profile. Only staff members with the HR role can view or edit other staff member's contract information.
You are also able to calculate a staff member's annual salary automatically. This information is used as part of the Workforce Census.
To do this you need to populate the contract with the following information:
- Hours per week
- FTE Hours
- Spine Point
- Working Weeks per year
The calculation will also assume that:
- A full working year is made up of 52.149 weeks
The calculation then looks to see if the member of staff is either support or non-support staff as this will effect how the basic salary is calculated.
Non-Support Staff: This uses the Spine point salary x hours per week/ FTE hours. An example is shown below.
You can change the contract type if required and the calculated actual salary can be changed before you Accept.
Support Staff: This calculation takes into account the number of weeks worked per year to account for any part time support staff. Again an example is shown below.
Again, you can change the contract type if required and the calculated actual salary can be changed before you Accept.
3. Personal Details
This area allows you to enter additional information into a staff member's profile such as NI number, payroll number, ethnicity, previous name, etc.
At the bottom of the edit personal details page is an Active drop-down which allows you to edit the status of the profile or delete the profile altogether.
Select the cog to add or amend the information and select Update to save any changes.
Note: Items highlighted in red are important for the workforce census.
You can also add address and car details to the profile. To edit the details use the cog feature on the left-hand side of the profile.
4. Contact Details
This allows you to store details of staff member's contacts. To add in a new contact, click on the cog.
If the staff member does not currently have any contacts stored then you click Add New. If they do have contacts stored, you will be able to edit or delete these contacts by clicking the relevant buttons.
When adding a new contact, there are numerous fields you can add in. Once you have entered your desired fields click Insert.
This contact will now be assigned to that member of staff. You can repeat this process to add additional contacts for staff members. To view staff contacts once they are added, click on Contact Details and you can view them in the drop-down list.
5. Qualifications
This allows you to record each member of staff's qualifications. Use the cog function next to the qualification name to edit an existing qualification or select the cog next to Qualifications to add a new one to the profile.
You can add and edit the Qualification code, Subject, Award Date, Class of degree and then select Save.
The Subject and Subject 2 fields allow you to record additional information about the qualification. The options available are taken from the DfE's list of approved qualifications and the list can be searched by typing in the course letter or number designator for the subject. For subjects that are not listed, there is a generic 900 series code that can be used.
You can add multiple qualifications to a staff member's profile and edit already existing ones by clicking the cog next to qualifications again.
6. Training
You can record training courses for each member of staff on the main page of their profile. The first stage of the process is to add the training course to your school. Due to the number of training courses available, we allow each school to add courses as needed.
You are also able to edit the details of a course that has been already assigned to a member of staff by using the cog next to the course name.
Select Admin > Personnel > Training to add a new course.
Once the course has been inserted, you can add the training on to a staff member's profile by selecting the cog.
From the drop-down, select the course, date completed, review date and the material covered.
7. Medical Details and Disabilities
This allows you to record any staff medical issues to their profile. To add information select the cog icon and click Add New:
Once you have entered the details and clicked Insert they will appear in the staff area:
8. Accidents and First Aid
The accidents and first aid section allows you to record any accidents or incidents where first aid is required, concerning staff members.
If you click the Accidents and First Aid summary box, it will list all the incidents recorded. You also have the option to edit or delete incidents using the relevant buttons.
9. Dietary Requirements
This allows you to record dietary requirements. To add information, click the cog icon.
In the pop-up, fill in the details then click Save.
Once added and saved, a table will appear showing the dietary restrictions. Click the cog to make changes to the requirements or the note recorded.
10. Subjects Taught
This area allows you to record which subjects staff teach within the school. To add in a subject, click the cog icon. In the pop-up, add the information and click Insert.
You can then see any of the subjects that are recorded against the staff member. If you wish to delete any of these click the red X icon.
11. House
The house area allows you to assign teachers to a house and assign them to a role - for example, Head of House. The houses and responsibilities can be set up via Admin > Config > Core Setup > Houses.
Click the cog next to the house summary button to assign a staff member to a house.
12. Additional Information
The additional information section allows you to enter any information you would like which doesn't fit in any of the other areas of the staff profile.
Notes can be added against a member of staff's profile. The note is a simple text addition and once added, can be deleted by using the red cross next to the note.
To add a new note, click on the cog. You can add a new note or edit an old note. Select Add New to enter a new note or Edit to change an existing entry.
Once you have added the new note, select Insert.
Please note: Only members of staff with the Admin or SMT role can add or see notes placed on a member of staff's profile.
13. Staff Documents
14. Confidential Tab
Only users with the HR role will be able to see this tab, located at the bottom of the Extra Details area.
Clicking the cogs next to either Confidential Details or Confidential Staff Documents allows you to add new information.
Any documents of a sensitive or confidential nature added to Confidential Staff Documents can only be seen by users with the HR role:
15. Data Capture Form
You can produce a single Staff Data Capture Form from the staff profile by clicking on the PDF symbol next to the staff member's name.
16. User Account Details - Roles and Password
The Change Password/Roles area allows admin staff to manage password and user role details for staff individually. The user roles a staff member has, determine which areas of ScholarPack they can access and the actions they can take.
Our User Roles Guide has a full brief of the available roles, and this guidance will take you through how to change these.
You can also see:
- User Role history
- Last login details
- Recommended password guidance
- Account status - active or inactive